Page 9 of The Re-Proposal

Including the one that ended us.

His gaze drops to my feet. I cringe and try to pull my foot back, swinging my laptop forward as if that’s enough to hide the fact that I’m wearing broken heels.

“Are you hurt?” Cody asks, his voice so soft and worried that Ialmostbelieve there’s a heart beating behind that fancy Armani suit.


Angsty and self-conscious, I glance away. “None of your business.”

“You were limping.”

“I wasn’t.”

“Did you drive here?” I open my mouth, but he studies me and says, “Let me guess. None of my business?”

I lift my chin defiantly.

A corner of his lips hitches up and a slight tingle starts at the base of my neck and travels south. An unwanted memory blooms. Cody’s hands in my hair. His lips on my neck. His smile hot against my throat as he whispered,‘I love you so much’.

My eyes drop to his lips before I force them to the side of the elevator instead.

I beat away the memories, but they keep attacking like deranged pigeons. Would his touch feel different? His kiss? What would that beard feel like against my skin. Soft? Itchy? Would I like the friction?

I bet I would.

My tongue darts out to trace my lips as all the air gets sucked out of the elevator.

I need this to stop. I need him to go away, banished to the realm of memories that I never revisit. Not unless I’m drinking wine and feeling particularly down on myself.

Just then, Cody’s phone rings.

Never taking his eyes off mine, he answers. “I know. I got off on the wrong floor.”

Biting down on my lip, I start poking the elevator button again. Why can’t machine win over manthis once?I wouldn’t mind crushing my ex between two huge metallic doors and running off.

“I’ll be there.” Cody ends the call before the person on the other end finishes. I hear them ranting just before the phone goes black.

Finally, he takes his hands off the door.

Seizing the opportunity, I poke faster.

Cody slips into the elevator with me and grabs my finger just as the doors shut. His skin is warm against mine, and my heart ricochets like a heated game of ping-pong.

I drag my hand away.

Undeterred, he steps into my personal space and leans forward.

His face hovers on top of mine.



He’s not stopping.

This jerk isn’t going to kiss me, is he?

I close my eyes and brace myself.