Page 71 of The Re-Proposal


I’d forgotten what it was like to receive the full scope of his attention. All that intensity. That magnetism. It’s tripled now because he’s no longer the scrambling college student working to build a business from the ground up.

He’s a powerful man with money, connections, and the ability to get anything he wants with a snap of his fingers.

Right now he wants me.

It’s simmering in his green eyes. Oceans of desire flowing in my direction. There were hints of it when we met in the elevator that day, when he touched my cheek, when he apologized, but today… it’s heavier.

Or maybe it’s just dawning on me that he’s serious.

Cody gave his apology and I accepted it. He could have skipped off into the sunset without regrets, sure that he’d closed this miserable chapter of his life.

But he’s still here.

He’s still saying he wants me.

My stomach quivers.

Focus, Clarissa.I can’t be this naive.He was an absolute beast to Erica and, if the tabloids are to be believed, he’s atrocious in the boardroom. Like one of those villains from a classic black-and-white film. Mustache-twirling. World-destroying.

It won’t be long before he shows that side of himself to me. I can’t be all goo-goo eyes and blind affection or I’ll miss the signs.

I shake my head and change the topic. “How’s fatherhood treating you? You and Joel haven’t killed each other yet?”

One corner of his lips tilts up. “It’s the early stages.”

“You didn’t just leave him in his room and ignore him all night, did you?”

He squirms.

“Cody,” I swivel to him, “what are you thinking?” Our legs are touching again, but I’m too stirred up to care. “Joel’s staying in a stranger’s house. Never mind the fact that ‘hiring’ him in the first place is questionable. You could have at least made him feel at home.”

“Trust me. He’s no more interested in getting to know me as I am in getting to know him.”

“If you’ve agreed to take care of him, you should do it properly.”

“Ididn’t agree to anything.”

“Whatever the circumstances, you’re his guardian now. You can’t just ignore him.”

“He’s annoying.” Cody scowls.

“Kids are annoying. It’s kind of their thing. And you’re supposed to be the adult.”

His eyes narrow in amusement. “Am I getting scolded, Miss Maura?”

“I…” Heat invades my cheeks. “I mean, you deserve it.”

“The only time you give me what I deserve is when it’s a punishment.”

“Do something right and that might change,” I answer back.

Cody’s eyes turn smoldering.

Crap. That wasnotsupposed to come out so flirty.

“I thought gifting the women’s shelter with new shoes would make you a little less prickly.”