Page 49 of The Re-Proposal

Cody’s a green-eyed beast who can electrify the blood in my veins with one look, and the fact that we’ve got an audience doesn’t seem to matter at all.

It feels like we’re the only two people in the room.

I’m fighting back butterflies the size of mammoths in my stomach.

The struggle to remain angry isn’t one-sided.

Cody’s jaw flexes and there’s still a hint of indignant fire in his eyes, but the longer he looks at me, the more his expression softens. It’s like the Grinch slowly turning into a human being right before my eyes.

One eyebrow arches higher than the other. I can hear him silently prodding me.You okay, Ris?

I glance away, desperate to break eye contact. And half scared I’m going to tap back into that silent communication stream.

I will not be on the same wave length as Cody Bolton.


Not again.

My emotional defenses are up.

I’m the Great Wall of China. Cody and his voodoo green eyes can never invade me.

“Oh no. What's putting that frown on your face, my love?”

I look at Joel, startled.

Joel’s gaze moves between me and Cody. His face sours. “Is he my rival in love?”

Both my eyebrows arch significantly.

Ms. Phoebe returns just then, slightly out of breath. Sweat coats her face and sticks her shirt to her back.

Laura and I both run to her.

“Where’s Erica?” I ask, glancing behind the older woman.

“I couldn’t… catch up with her,” Ms. Phoebe wheezes.

“Laura, can you take Ms. Phoebe back to her office and get her some water? I’ll finish up here.”

“I’m on it,” Laura says.

As I watch Ms. Phoebe, the stirrings of anger singe my soul again.

She’s been in and out of the hospital lately. Although she swears nothing’s wrong, I can see that her health is deteriorating. I don’t know how much time she has left.

This initiative means so much to my mentor.

Ithasto be a success.

Tilting my chin up, I stomp toward Cody.

His assistant is mid-explanation, “You hired me because I can see the bigger picture. Say yes to this and you'll hit two birds with one stone." Vargas throws a meaningful look at me.

I have no idea what that look is about and I don’t want to know either.

The men go quiet when I stop in front of them.