Page 38 of The Re-Proposal

No wonder she and Clarissa get along. These women have no idea how to lie.

“Mr. Bolton, I appreciate the offer, but this is highly unusual. I don't quite understand how a small NGO like us would have gotten on your radar. Even more unheard of is someone of your caliber making such a proposal personally.”

I don’t blink an eye when I say, “I’d like to get more involved in charity. Throwing money at needy causes isn’t nearly as rewarding as pushing up my sleeves and getting in there myself. I have no intentions of making things complicated. I only want to help in any way I can.”

“I see.” She drums her fingers on the desk, working through it in her mind.

I let her, trusting that money speaks louder than I do.

This organization might be in the business of helping people, but it stillisa business. One that runs on love instead of profits.

And they need cash.

I know that personally.

Ms. Phoebe pulls her lips into her mouth and eyes me with a little less suspicion. “Here’s what I can do for you. I’m willing to work with you, Mr. Bolton…”

My lips curl up.Gotchya.

“… if you convince Clarissa to sign off.”

The smirk of victory dies an immediate and fiery death.

I clear my throat. “Clarissa?”

“Yes.” Ms. Phoebe mimics my slouch, leaning back in her chair and looking smug. “Can you do that?”

Sneaky old woman.

I underestimated her. Ms. Phoebe should have gone into law. She would have climbed her way to the head of my M&A department.

“I’ll get it done,” I grit my teeth.

“We’ll see.” Her smile beams in my direction and screams only one word…


* * *

A girlwho looks no older than twenty-years-old bounces toward me when I step out of Ms. Phoebe’s office.

"Hi, I'm Laura Chen.”

“Cody Bolton. Do you know when Clarissa will be in?”

“No. Why?”

“I need to speak with her.” I check my watch. “Does she normally get to work this late?”

“Not usually.”

I purse my lips. Is something going on with Ris? Is her ankle still bothering her? Did she need to go to the doctor?

I pull out my phone and realize I don’t have her number. Maybe I should call Clay. My brother can find Clarissa’s location, email and passwords with his eyes closed.

The problem is I don’t want Clay in my business.

Not yet.