I throw her on the bed and hear her playful laughter.
This woman.
“I think this is the first time we’ve used a bed.” She sighs as I crawl over her.
“Is it?” I ask, only half concentrating as I grab protection. Then I’m on her again. She’s so damn sexy that I can’t even form cohesive words.
“What do you have against beds, Cody Bolton?”
“Nothing.” With a wolfish grin, I dip my head and drop kisses over her chest. “But they’re not always available when I want you.”
She moans the way I like and my heart is close to exploding.
“Problem is…” I spread her wide. “I...” My fingers curve under her thigh. “Always.” I position her hips. “Want. You.”
Our bodies collide when our lips do.
Her soft body is taut under my fingers.
Mine is about to detonate. Already.
This woman is my weakness.
I hold on for dear life.
She groans. I think it’s my name. It’s too garbled to understand.
“You’ll be doing that a lot tonight,” I growl, savoring every inch of our closeness.
She arches her hips and electricity splits me in half, a high voltage that nearly drives me to insanity.
I kiss her greedily, all vestiges of control snapping.
The bed creaks like a madman.
I’m starting to think all my furniture need some greasing. First the desk and now my bed. But they’re not as loud as Ris is when she screams my name.
I hiss as her nails scrape down my back. Her curls cling to the sweat on her dark brown cheeks. “No wonder you’ve corrupted me.”
I drop a kiss on her lips, worshiping her sweet curves. Sucking on every sensitive nerve ending I can find. “No matter how corrupt you get, you’ll always be my princess.”
“If I’m your princess,” she gasps, “doesn’t that make you a prince?”
“No.” I arch up. “That makes me the luckiest man in the world.”
My fingers crawl into her hair and I hold her down, listening to her sweet, sensual moans as euphoria rips us both.
That night, we leave a human-sized dent in the mattress.
“Mom,don’t cry. If you start, I’ll start and then my bridesmaids will start and I’m going to ruin my makeup,” I hiss.
“I know. I’m sorry.” Mom’s eyes are red. “It just makes me emotional. My baby’s grown up and getting married.”