Page 238 of The Re-Proposal

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The farmhouse ladiestake over Joel’s hospital room while we drive to Liandra’s. It’s my first time setting foot in a women’s shelter. This one is decorated cozily, but there’s no hiding the wear and tear of both the furniture and the women who inhabit them.

Clarissa’s fingers are threaded through mine as she gives me the tour.

“Since mom and I have experience living in a shelter, we tried to incorporate all the amenities we wished we had.” Her voice is full of passion and purpose. “Of course, space and resources are limited, but that means we have more opportunities for creativity.”

I smile as she talks, drinking her in with every breath. If the last few weeks have shown me anything, it’s that Clarissa Maura is way too good for me.

“Oh, there she is.” Clarissa brightens. “Mom!”

My grin fades and the nerves take over again.

I’ve given a thousand pitches. Made multi-million dollar deals. Gone toe-to-toe with business tycoons all over the world.

But this is my most important project yet.

My heart is beating fast.

I hope I don’t choke.

“You’re here,” Liandra says dryly. We haven’t spoken since our mad dash to rescue Clarissa. I’d hoped working together would have thawed some of the ice between us.

Given that hard glare, I was wrong.

“Mom, be…”

I expect Ris to say ‘nice’.

“… as mean as you want to.” Ris gives me a kiss. “I’ll go say hi to the ladies.”

My jaw drops.

Ris flutters her fingers and waltzes away.

The betrayer.

Liandra sizes me up. “You know how to lay cement?”


She leads me outside and points to a half-finished wall. “I need that fence done today. My contractor was dirt-cheap which explains why he ditched before he was done.”

I blink rapidly. It’s a billion degrees today and I’m wearing a full suit.

Liandra sees me hesitating. “You don’t want to?”

“No, ma’am.” I loosen my tie and swing my jacket off. “How high do you want this fence?”

I’m Cody freaking Bolton.

I’ve never laid cement blocks before, but there’s nothing the internet can’t teach me.

I’m almost done when Clarissa pops in to give me another glass of water. “Tired, babe?”

“I could do this all day,” I say, panting.

She brushes the cement dust from my shoulder. “If it makes you feel any better, you look really,reallysexy right now. All the girls are lined up inside watching you through the window.” When I twist my neck, she says, “Don’t look.”