Page 215 of The Re-Proposal

The truth rams into me so hard I see stars.

“The phone,” I hiss.

Clay and Vargas stare at me like I’ve lost my mind.

“The nurse said Joel was on the phone before his heart attack. I assumed it was because he was trying to call me. It wasn’t that. He was talking to someone.”

Vargas goes pale.

Clay clenches his jaw. “Winifred.”

* * *

Joel blinks rapidlywhen I storm into his hospital room. I’m sure he thinks I’m a ghost, since the last time he saw me was the night of the gala.

Demanding words burst to the tip of my tongue, but I take one look at the machine keeping his heart alive and I can’t do it.

I can’t bark at him.

“Can I sit?” I ask gently.

Joel tilts his chin up. I hold my breath until he nods.

Dragging a chair close to his bed, I take my seat.

The air conditioner buzzes.

A humidifier puffs out a breath.

On the way here, my head was crammed full of words. I knew exactly what to do. I’d lay out all the evidence. Stack them up like dominoes one by one. Then I’d let them crash together. Fall into a heap, clattering so loudly he couldn’t deny the truth in them.

But now, I’m drawing a blank.

Maybe I shouldn’t have told Vargas and Clay to wait outside.

“Are you just going to stare at your shoes?” Joel asks grumpily.

I rub my throat, my voice thick. “How are you?”

“My heart is two seconds away from totally shutting down.” His eyes narrow. He can barely lift his head but he can still glare daggers. “How do you think I am?”

He’s got enough energy left to snap at me.

At least there’s that.

“Good job chasing Clarissa off, by the way.”

I shift in my seat, numb and conflicted.

The mention of Clarissa is low.

Don’t lash out at him, Cody. He’s got a bad heart.

“I knew you were going to hurt her sooner or later, but I didn’t think you were such an idiot to do it publicly.”

I start tapping my fingers on my knees.

“If I had someone like her, if she liked me as much as she liked you, I wouldneverhave gotten in front of the world and denied her like that. I would be yelling my love for her off the freaking rooftops.”