Page 199 of The Re-Proposal

“Mr. Bolton, you’re ahard,” her eyes drop to my pants and she gives me a cheap, seductive smile, “man to get a hold of.”

“I tend to steer away from the local entertainment buzz. Most of it is lies anyway.”

“When you say lies, are you referring to the picture of you and Clarissa Maura that went viral today?”

My throat tightens for a minute.

Control the situation, Cody. Worry about everything else later.

I take a deep breath and nod. “Yes.”

“And what is your relationship with Ms. Maura?”

I speak in a cool tone. “We are currently collaborating with Ms. Maura and the Do More Foundation. It’s a co-op initiative that enables vulnerable women to open their own businesses. Ms. Maura is one of the people responsible for that project. She’s a capable, intelligent and giving woman that I admire.”

“That’s nice and all, but you still haven’t answered the question. Are you in a relationship with Ms. Clarissa Maura?”

I stare at the camera. On the computer screen turned in our direction, I see the live video of me. There are hearts popping up everywhere. People are watching. Listening. Waiting.

My fingers curl into fists on my lap.

I keep my tone steady and firm. “No.”




I flingmy arms around my mother and squeeze her tight. She swats at me, but I don’t let go.

Most daughters tend to be close to their mothers, but the way I love mom has an extra depth to it. We were in such a tight spot while I was growing up. Sleeping in cars, in women’s shelters—so many things could have gone wrong. But she shielded me from all of it. Made it feel like an adventure.

I’ll be forever grateful to her for that. For making my childhood a happy one, even if we didn’t have much.

“The casserole smells great,” I tease. “I’m a good cook.”

“You? All you did was chop some vegetables.”

“Don’t you know it’s the vegetables that are important, mom? If I screwed up on that, everything would be ruined.”

“Humph.” Mom taps my knuckles twice and I release her.

She turns to me. “We need to discuss something.”

“Is it Joel?” I pretend to be clueless. “Because if you want to know why I was at the hospital with him, I can tell you right now. He’s Cody’s foster son and he’s kind of like a nephew to me.”

A nephew that keeps hitting on me, but still…

Mom flumps down into my small sofa. “Honey, it’s not that.”

I shuffle awkwardly.

“I got a surprise opportunity to open a women’s shelter.”

“What?” My eyes widen and I fling myself down in front of her. “That’s incredible. Congratulations.”

“I want you to come with me.”