“Clarissa?” He arches a knowing brow toward my phone.
“Keep me updated,” I say, walking him to the door.
Clay nods and disappears.
I answer Ris’s call, keeping any hint of my troubling conversation with Clay out of my voice.
“Hey, princess. How did you sleep?”
“Super well. Hospital cots are my jam.”
I chuckle. “Sounds comfortable.”
There’s a pause.
“Are you going to ask about Joel?” Ris prods.
“He’s alive or you wouldn’t sound so chirpy,” I say.
“Have you eaten breakfast yet?” I ask, leaning against the counter.
She sighs and lets the topic fall through. “A little.”
“I can stop by. Bring you something.”
“I’m okay.” For a second, her breath is all I hear and then she says, “I didn’t dream of you yesterday. For once.”
“You’re always in my dreams. I thought about stealing you away from the hospital all night.” My voice dropping low, I whisper, “I hate that we were interrupted on the island.”
“There’s always next time.”
“When is next time?”
Her laughter makes my heart swell. “I don’t know. But I promise, when I get my hands on you, no one will be able to stop me.”
I smile, imagining those sinful brown eyes going hazy with lust as I take her fully.
“On a totally unrelated topic, my mom is here.”
Clarissa’s mention of her mom makes my blood cool in an instant. Nothing like talking about a parent who hates me to send my mind reeling back to PG territory.
I straighten. “My number one fan?”
“Yeah, about that… can you pick her up from the airport in an hour? The doctors want to run some tests on Joel, and I don’t feel right about leaving him alone.”
“He has a nurse, Ris,” I grunt.
“It’s not the same as me being here with him.” She pauses. “Do you not want to?”
How can I say no to this woman?
“Of course not.” I clear my throat. “I’d love to pick up your mom.”
“Thanks, Cody. I’ll text you the details.”