My eyebrows cinch when I hear the heat in Joel’s words.
Vargas hears it too because he chuckles nervously. “I’m going to find the doctor. Make sure we’ve got the best room. I think this one is too stuffy.”
The door clicks softly.
“What’s that?” Joel points to Cody’s overnight bags.
“Oh,” I smile brightly, “we brought some clothes for you to change into—when you’re allowed to of course. Your phone. Some comic books. A few things to decorate this place so it feels less,” I search for the right word, “clinical. The other bag is for Cody.”
Joel stares at him with hate-filled eyes. “Why? Are we having another interview in here?”
“Joel, Cody was really worried about you. He drove like mad when he heard you were in the hospital.”
Joel looks at me, his harsh eyes softening.
But it only lasts for a second.
Stiffening, he turns away. “I don’t want him here.”
“Fine,” Cody says darkly.
“Cody, don’t leave.” I frown at the patient. “Joel, what’s going on? You’re being totally unfair. Cody cares about you.”
“Me? He only cares about himself!”
The heart monitor starts beeping faster, but I’m so confused and frazzled I barely hear it.
“Where is this coming from?” I demand.
Cody just glares into the wall, not saying anything.
“He’s a user and a liar.” Joel cuts a finger in Cody’s direction. “You’re just so far up his butt-crack you can’t see it.”
“Watch how you talk about her, kid,” Cody growls.
“Joel, that’s not true.” I scramble to understand this sudden hatred. Joel and Cody aren’t going to win any father-son races, but they’re not this antagonistic.
“I don’t know what you guys fought about earlier tonight and, frankly, I don’t care. No matter the circumstances, you’re a family—”
“He’snotmy family and he isnotmy dad.”
The beeping is even louder now.
My eyes swing to the machine in alarm.
“Ris, it’s okay. I’ll leave,” Cody says, his expression dark.
“Exactly. Run away rather than admit the truth, you liar!”
The machine goes crazy.
Joel’s eyes start rolling back in his head.
“Joel!” I scream, rushing toward him.
Nurses flood the room.
Two of them shove us out into the hallway.