Page 166 of The Re-Proposal


“Five stars?”

“Worth the wait.”

She chuckles, but I cut her laughter short by diving in again. This time, I take control of the kiss and it’s not long before I’m devouring her like I’ve desperately wanted to since that day in the elevator.

Her fingers slide into my hair, attacking my scalp and raking down my face into my beard. Fire burns at my feet, but it’s sweet. Like a hellish paradise. I deepen the kiss, pulling her closer, stamping my name on her with my hands, my tongue, my teeth.

She moans and I know damn well that if I don’t stop myself, I’m going to throw her on that bench and give the security team an eyeful.

I’m almost growling like a panther when I jerk back, head snapping to the side because I know if I look at her, it’ll be game over.

Clarissa gasps for air. She’s soaked in moon-lit silver and gold. Way more expensive than any of those women in there. Way more than I deserve.

“You ready to get out of here?” I ask.

She takes the hand I hold out to her.

We weave through the crowd. The music is louder and there are people on the dance floor. The networking part of the party is almost over. I’ve shown my face. Made my introductions. It’s time to go.

Clarissa keeps her eyes on me as we move, but she falters when she glances at a group of women off to the side. They’re glaring at her like she hacked their bank accounts.

I notice and straighten my shoulders. “What did they say to you?”

“Nothing that was worth a response.” She slides her hand up my arm. “Can we not with the revenge plotting? I’m in a good mood.”

“Because of me?” I tease, smiling for her while keeping a hard glare on the women.

“Sure. If that makes you feel better.”

I laugh and allow her to drag me away, but I make a mental note to find out the names of every woman in that group and make them pay. At the very least, they need to be punished for hurting my princess.

“Cody,” Clarissa warns, her tone similar to a mother shooing their child away from the cookie jar.

I open the door for her. “Would you like to come somewhere with me?”

She kicks off her heels. “Where?”

“A surprise.”

Eyes narrowing adorably in my direction, she says, “I don’t like surprises.”

“You’ll like this one.”

* * *

Clarissa gaspswhen she sees the helicopter. I’m glad her hair is braided back because the wind from the chopper is relentless.

I help her inside and keep a hold of her hand as we take flight.

She squeals. “Look at that view!”

“I’m looking,” I say, my eyes fixed on her.

She glances at me and shyness steals over her face. “I’m talking about the city, Cody.”

I kiss her forehead, right under the bulky headset we’re wearing to hear each other. She chases me down when I pull back, planting a kiss on my lips.