I lift a hand to stop my security. Winifred is making a scene, but he won’t harm me. Men like this only strike when they have an advantage and, at this moment, he has none.
Doberman settles down, but his body’s still on alert.
Vargas stays a healthy distance away, not trusting to get in the line of fire.
“Please. I’ll do anything.” Winifred’s eyes are glassy and his cheeks are flushed. “Please.”
I face him, my voice calm and listless. “Anything?”
He nods enthusiastically, looking ready to drop to his knees and pant like a dog if I asked him to.
Not that I would ask for such a dehumanizing thing… today.
I step closer to Winifred and set a hand on his shoulder. Bending down until we’re nose-to-nose, I tell him, “Return the hundred-and-fifty grand you stole from the company and I’ll consider it.”
His eyes widen until they look like they’ll explode off his face.
So predictable.
So boring.
I straighten and wipe my hand on the edge of my jacket. His shirt was sticky with perspiration and now I have it all over my side.
“I-I never…”
“You neverwhat?” I arch an eyebrow.
He clamps his mouth shut and stares guiltily at the floor.
It’s too late. He’s annoyed me now and there’s no turning back.
“You never created fake companies and siphoned funds from the budget to feed your own greedy pocket? You never opened off-shore bank accounts hoping to throw off suspicion? You never rushed to cover your tracks when you found out the acquisition had gone through?”
“The money was for a good cause. You have to believe me.”
“Is that why it conveniently hit your bank account every month?”
“I…” His mouth opens and slams shut. Suddenly, he throws himself down in front of me, knees to the ground. Sweat beads on his face and drips down his chin.
Behind me, I hear Vargas cough.
The other executives are watching the drama unfold with wide, fearful eyes. I have their rapt attention.
“You what?” I taunt.
Winifred sheds a crocodile tear. It slides down his ruddy cheek. “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”
“I don’t want your apologies.” My lips curve up in a cruel smirk. “Do you have the money or not?”
“I don’t.” His eyes meet mine, wild and desperate. “But I can get the money. I swear I can.”
He opens his mouth. Snaps it shut. Glances down.
I drop my voice to a whisper, “By taking the scraps left in your savings account and splurging it all at the Royal Heaven casino?”
Winifred goes pale.