Page 148 of The Re-Proposal

Screw it.

Grabbing the tattered edges of my courage, I bound down the stairs. “Cody!”

He stops and turns, his eyes widening in surprise. I don’t allow myself to overthink this. If I do, I won’t be able to move.

So I just run.

And then I throw my arms around his neck and stand on my tiptoes.

“You forgot something,” I whisper right before brushing my lips against his.




Vargasand I shuffle behind Cody as he leaves the meeting with his security guards. Both of us struggle to keep up with his power-walk.

Cody Bolton exudes confidence, like he owns the entire universe. My stilettos sink into plush carpets, not-quite matching his relentless, long-legged stride.

Vargas hangs back and slants me a sly grin. “You owe me fifty bucks.”

I dip my fingers into my purse and hand it over, my heart burning. Vargas grabs the other end of the bill and tugs.

My fingers, of their own accord, clip the bill so he can’t take it.

We have a mini game of tug-and-war right in the middle of the hallway.

“Hand it over,” Vargas whispers, trying to yank it from me. “I told you he wouldn’t fire them if you asked. I won that bet fair and square.”

“Can I pay you in ten dollar installments?”

Vargas’s eyebrows hike.

Cody glances at us and Vargas immediately straightens, looking like a corrected kid in class. I use that opportunity to tuck the fifty back in my purse.

It was a bad idea to bet so much money on Cody changing his mind. All I wanted to do was help the security guards who have families and bills to pay. When Vargas suggested I use my ‘feminine wiles’—whatever that means—to spare the team from a mass firing, I told him that would never work on Cody.

He bet me that it would.

And now I’m out my bill money.

Cody sees that I’m unable to keep up and he slows his pace. “What did you tell Maggie? Does she have any hint about what’s to come?”

“As long as the neighbors didn’t call her to complain about all the noise we were making yesterday, she has no clue.”

Vargas slants me a dirty look as he stops in front of the elevator and pushes the button for us. “People only expect something when apromiseis given.”

“Promises are such sacred things.” I touch the side of my purse that holds the fifty. “You know what else is sacred? Kindness. Understanding. Paying in installments.”

“What about interest on those installments?” Vargas shoots back.

“It saddens me that you think in such barbaric ways.”

Cody grunts. “What are you two talking about?”

“Nothing.” I pipe up.