Taste her.The caveman in my pants urges.Lick her. Take her.
She rolls her shirt over her head and tosses it aside. “We should celebrate.”
“Celebrate what?”
“Having someone in your bed after so long,” she whispers slyly. “I missed you, Cody.” She winds her arms around my neck and pushes her body close to mine, teasing every inch of my skin.
Screw it.
Whether this is a dream or not doesn’t matter.
I kiss the side of her neck where her throat meets her jaw bone. She trembles. Presses her soft warmth into me. Calls my name in a voice that riles me up.
I’m about to tear her jeans off. It’ll take a lightning bolt from heaven to keep me from tasting her body and pounding her to oblivion…
An alarm beeps.
I see a flash of light.
No, no, no.
The beeping gets louder.
I crack my eyes apart and groan. The light is coming from my window. Beside me, Clarissa is sleeping with her back turned. Forget straddling my waist and taking her shirt off. There’s a whole freaking continent between her and me on the bed.
I quickly squeeze my eyes shut, willing the dream to come back.
But it doesn’t.
I glance at Clarissa again, my body raging in protest. The hills and valleys of her silhouette remind me of the mountains in my hometown. Regal. Dangerous. Full of curves.
I reach my hand out.
She’s so close. You could still take her.
Yeah, buddy. There’s such a thing called consent.
I roll out of bed and run a hand down my face. There’s still a bit of time before we have to be up. Dropping to the ground, I do some push-ups and shake out my arms.
As the adrenaline fades, the sleep my body craves takes over.
I quickly drop the shades over the windows, roll back into bed and fall asleep.
* * *
I’mup before my next alarm clock. Sadly, I didn’t have another dream.
The room is dark. The sun is trying its best to creep through the windows, but it’s failing. Heavy velvet curtains block most of the light.
I’m sore. Exhausted. My body is crying out for more sleep since I barely logged any sensible hours.
There’s a woman beside me.
Not just any woman.