Page 131 of The Re-Proposal

Yes! I’m doing it.

Almost there…

I slide an arm around her waist and draw her up to me. She lets out a little squeak of surprise that makes my blood roar. How can one woman be so innocent? So sweet? Clarissa is like a wrapped candy drop and I want to shed all her layers.

Moving slowly, I close the distance between us when…

“Oh, damn. Sorry. Excuse me.” One of her neighbors shuffles past us. He gives me a thumbs-up. “Right on, brother.”

I scowl.

Clarissa steps back and I know the moment is over.

I slip my hands into my pockets, half to keep them from swinging at the guy and half to keep her from seeing how excited I was.

“I’ll uh,” my voice cracks, “you… um… goodnight.”


I wince as I turn away and run a hand through my hair in frustration.

Uh… um… goodnight?

What am I? A freaking five year old with a stutter?

This is my fault. I should have kissed her after that first dinner. Just gotten it over with. By dragging it out so long, I missed my window.

Regret eats me alive. She’s going to think I’m an idiot.

Of course she does.

Ithink I’m an idiot.

Maybe this is the end.

Maybe she’ll dump me when she realizes I’m not as cool as I pretend to be.

Regret spasms through my chest. I wish I could have gotten a kiss from Clarissa before it all went to crap.




My hands sinkinto delicious curves. I knead my fingers over a trim waist. Flared hips. Pinch the curve of her tight—

“Cody.” A familiar voice grunts.

I smell Clarissa’s flowery scent and a smile curls my lips. I burrow into her, finding a warmth that sends a shockwave through my body.

This is a dream. This has to be a dream.

“Cody, what are you doing?” she protests sleepily.

Nope. Not a dream. In my dream, she wouldn’t push me away.

Or would she?