Page 14 of The Re-Proposal

“There are pros and cons to a different strategy, you know,” Vargas says.

“My strategy works just fine.”

He arches thick eyebrows behind his glasses. “Things have changed. Thanks to that magazine, you’ve got the public’s interest. A lot more eyes are on you now than before the print last month.”

I grit my teeth. Accepting that interview for Bachelor of the Year was the worst decision I could have made. A slight stroke to my ego turned into a publicity nightmare.

In my defense, I’ve never been a candidate before despite having the financials to qualify. I like to win, even if the competition isn’t worth it. Unfortunately, that cockiness bit me in the butt.

“You’re the one who told me it wouldn’t affect us,” I grunt, sliding my assistant a dark look.

“I said it wouldn’t affect usnegatively.Which it won’t. If you take a softer approach.”

I stare at Vargas. “Is that a warning?”

“A friendly tip.”

I scoff and wait until Vargas shoves the doors of the conference room open. The executives around the table shoot to their feet.

“Mr. Bolton.” Cheeks bunching with a giant smile, a thick man in a business suit speeds toward me. “What an absolute honor to meet you in person.”

I ignore his hand and take his chair at the head of the table, staring blankly at him when he continues to stand with his arm extended.

“Oh, yes. Yes.” He lets loose a nervous chuckle. “You can have that seat. It’s so much warmer over here.” He gestures to one of the other executives, hoisting them out of their chair and settling in at my right. “I’m Winifred. We spoke on the phone—”

“I know who you are.” My eyes narrow in his direction.

He swallows so hard that his Adam’s apple almost knocks out the guy across the table.

“I’m honored,” he says finally.

“You shouldn’t be.” My lips curl up at the corners when I see him squirm. I’ve long accepted the darkness inside me that enjoys this.

“What?” His jaw drops.

“The fact that I recognize you is not a good thing.”

He starts blinking so fast I feel a strong wind.

I hold my hand out. Vargas sighs before slapping a file into it.

My voice cold, I announce, “Let’s begin.”

* * *

“It’s decided.”I gesture to the mousy secretary standing to my right. “Ms. Colleen has been doing most of the work over the years and you’ve all taken credit for it.” I slice my eyes through the execs who can’t meet my gaze. “From now on, she will step up as department head. The rest of you…” I pause, “are fired.”

Shocked gasps ripple through the room.

Winifred wails.

Unaffected, I rise from the table.

My work here is done.

“Wait. Wait!” The thick man hurries in front of me. “I can’t lose this job. Ican’t.”

Doberman moves forward, silent and deadly.