Page 129 of The Re-Proposal

He glances back with a possessive glimmer in his eyes. “To bed.”




It’s tonight.I have to kiss her tonight.

We’ve been taking it slow. Mostly because I can’t tell if she likes me or not. It took following her around the quad, a bouquet of flowers, and a whole freaking singing quartet to convince her to go on one date with me.


And I’m pretty sure she just said yes to spare me the embarrassment of a rejection.

Since it was definitely a pity date, I didn’t want to mess it up by kissing her after dinner. It took all my courage just to ask if I could see her again. It took liquid courage to officially ask for her number.

Did Ialreadyhave her number?


It was in the file I snuck out of the student council.

Along with her mother’s phone number, her birthday, and other personal crap that I had no business knowing.

So yes, I had toofficiallyget her number so she didn’t look at me like a creep when I texted her.

I’m already starting at a disadvantage by being the more desperate one in this relationship.

Is it a relationship?

Hell if I know.

I know what Iwant.

I want her to be my girlfriend. Clarissa’s sweet, pretty and I’m obsessed with her. Do I need another reason than those three? Mom would say I do.

‘Never give up control, Cody. Always be the one in control.’

Right now, that advice means jack squat.

Clarissa’s holding all the cards here and I’m playing poker blind. I can’t tell if she’s feeling me too. She’s still holding me at arm’s length, like she doesn’t trust me or… I don’t know.

Maybe I’m coming on too strong.

Maybe she knows how much I think about her.

Maybe she knows I’ve been dreaming about her at night. Those gorgeous lips on mine. Those sweet curves trembling under my touch.

Focus, Cody.

We start at kissing.

Just kissing.

Two lips touching.

It’s fine. I can do this.