“If you’re trying to keep your relationship under wraps, you’re doing a terrible job,” Kenya says.
I shake my head, dragging my eyes away from the Ice King. “We’re not dating.”
Yaya gestures.
Dejonae translates. “Of course you’re not.”
“It’s true!” I say laughingly. “I promise. He and I… we can never happen.”
Yaya pats my shoulder. I don’t understand sign language, but I understand that look. ‘Keep telling yourself that’.
It’s weird. The questions don’t bug me at all. I feel like I’ve known these ladies all my life. Gone are my insecurities. My awkwardness. The second-guessing that always happens when I’m around rich, successful people. In this moment, we’re united in the same goal and it makes me fearless. Makes me comfortable.
“It’s a long story that I don’t want to get into right now.” I wave to get Kenya’s attention. “Where are the kids? I’m not keeping you from Belle, am I?”
“Are you kidding? Belle went nuts when she heard everyone was coming over for a surprise sleepover.”
Yaya motions with her hands while Dejonae speaks. “Anyone else notice how much Rowan seems to like hanging around Niko?”
“Are we seeing a little love line?” Kenya teases, signing one of the words.
Sunny rolls her eyes. “Oh my gosh—they’re kids. Don’t try to matchmake minors.”
“She’s just saying that because Belle’s at least ten years away from her dating stage,” I tease.
There’s a pause in which I wonder if I should have commented.
Then everyone bursts out laughing.
Sunny points to me. “You hit the nail on the head, Rissa.”
Kenya raises both hands in surrender. “Guilty.”
I smile, feeling like my place with these ladies was just cemented.
Nova enters the room then. Her eyes narrow on us. She doesn’t say a word, but we all straighten like naughty kids in front of the principal.
“I’m not talking! I’m working!” Kenya yells.
The others scatter too.
I hurry back outside.
* * *
The moon is coveredby the clouds and darkness thickens like a blanket over the neighborhood. My clock reads 2 AM. Thankfully, it’s bright in the yard. The men installed large lights that blaze over our heads.
Construction sounds roar through the air and I feel slightly bad for the residents who are losing their sleep.
Sorry. It’s just for one night.
The hours tick past.
Vanya’s idea for the backyard comes together, and I can tell that her exquisite taste in fashion translates to outdoor decorations. There’s a small swing, a sand box, and a play set for Maggie’s daughter.
Just looking at it gets me excited.
Soon, the others join us outside. The interior is mostly finished and it’s just the landscaping left.