Page 121 of The Re-Proposal

“Changing. The guys already spotted the blood on my shirt, but they’re too polite to ask. I need to wear something else.”

“Do you have to change in front of me?”

“Wouldn’t be the first time you’ve seen me naked.”

“Yeah, but…”

“But what?” he teases, leaning over me as he undoes another button.

The hot rush of his breath against my skin sends electricity skittering through my blood.

Cody Bolton is a fiend.

Utterly ridiculous.

Colossally overbearing.

A pain in my rear end.

But he doesn’t stop unbuttoning and I can’t stop looking at the hints of rock-solid abs being slowly unveiled.

“Ris?” He calls me in a deep voice.

“Huh. What?” I drag my gaze back to his raging green eyes ringed with mischief.

“Do you know what Party A and Party B means?”

“No.” I shake my head, trying hard to swallow and finding it impossible. Cody’s shirt flaps apart and I see stars.

The man has the most gorgeous torso stacked by two massive shoulders. It’s the sexiest set of abs I’ve ever seen, hands down.

Not that I go around staring at men’s abs.

“It’s a pretty outdated term now, but it used to define the role of two entities entering a contract.” Cody shrugs out of the shirt and his back muscles roll like well-oiled cogs in a machine.

Tingles spread from the top of my head and travel down swiftly.

“Two entities entering…” I bite my lip as my mind tilts into unsafe territory.

“In this case,” Cody grabs the shirt from the gift bag and his corded biceps flex, “you’re Party A and everyone here is Party B.”

I’m trying to keep up.

I swear I am.

But he’s a walking, talking Ice King sculpture with abs so shredded, each nick must have taken the artist days to perfect.

My fingers twitch and the throbbing between my legs gets painful.

“We’re here to make your vision come to life. You’re the client. You’re Party A. So I need you to tell me what you want me to do.”

Stay right there and let me touch you. Let me run my fingertips down your abs. Let me feel something other than scared and fragile.

“Ris?” His eyes flicker to mine.

“Why are you taking so long to put on your shirt?” I spit out, turning and giving him my back.

Just then, Joel wheels into our line of sight. He has a big grin on his face. “These people are cool. No one asked meoncewhy I’m in a wheelchair.” Joel sees my flustered expression and the way Cody is standing close behind me. He comes to an abrupt halt. “What’s going on back here?”