“Then you have two days to fix what you broke.”
“And Mr. Bolton?”
“If you hurt Clarissa again, there is no security team on earth that can stop me.”
I chuckle, glad that Ris has so many good people around her. “Don’t worry, Ms. Phoebe. I’m not the same man I was in college. I will never hurt Clarissa again.”
Codyand I are sitting side-by-side and I’m trying not to hyperventilate. Or drool. Or stare at him for longer than two seconds.
He’s in a button-down shirt and slacks. His jacket drapes over broad shoulders. The navy of his shirt contrasts his deep green eyes.
I’m awkward and alert.
Especially when his powerful arms ripple as he takes his time flipping through a document.
We’re heading to Erica’s house. Together.
Ms. Phoebe’s orders.
When my director told me to accompany Cody, I fought her tooth and nail.
‘Let him handle it himself.’I grumbled.
‘Do you really want to set him loose on one of our girls without supervision? What if he makes it worse?’
She made a good point.
So here we are.
Me and my ex-fiance, in the backseat of his fancy car, the tinted windows wound down so I can breathe in the crispy air from outside while trying not to drown in his wonderfully minty cologne.
“Are you cold?” Cody asks.
“I’m fine.”
“Can you say that again? To my face?”
I point my gaze on his nose. Another part of him that’s perfectly chiseled and hatefully gorgeous. “I’m. Fine.”
Unfortunately, a cold wind rips through the window and I tremble like a dog shaking off water.
Cody swivels his body toward mine. It causes our thighs to brush. I can feel the heat of his skin through the fabric of the trousers. He shrugs out of his jacket and drapes it over my shoulders.