Page 54 of The Re-Proposal

“The rules are there to protect them, not us. It’s okay if we break them for the right reasons.”

“I just love your sudden change of heart, mom.”

I’m laughing but, inside, I cringe. Mom’s reaction reminds me of just how scary money is. And just how easy it is to lose yourself and become another person when presented with it.

“Be serious. I don’t want to make the wrong choice,” I mumble.

“If you’re making the world a better place along the way, it’s worth it.”

“What if it’s not, mom?” I picture Cody in my mind.

The cut of his chin.

The thick dark-blond hair.

The cheekbones, the eyebrows, the five o’clock shadow that hints there’s a rogue hidden under all his sculpted muscle and custom Italian suit.

I clench the phone tighter. “What if I’m playing with the kind of fire that leaves scars when it burns?”

I picture his green eyes.

Hands down, Cody Bolton’s eyes are my Kryptonite.

Ocean-green. Turquoise. Rippling with a lashing, untamed energy. As if he’s a force of nature. A walking storm. The Bermuda Triangle. A place where women drown and never find their feet again.

“Is it still worth it?”

“Clarissa, that’s a question only you can answer.” Mom pauses. “You’re the one who decides what you’re willing to sacrifice to save the world.”

“That’s not helpful.”

Mom chuckles. “The ends don’t always justify the means. Let your heart take the lead on this one.”

My heart has a mind of its own. I can’t trust that either.

At that moment, there’s a knock on my door.

Curiously, I lift my head.

“Someone’s here.” I push off the couch and lumber to the front door.

“Who is it?” mom asks.

I peer through the peephole. An unfamiliar face looks back at me. “I have no idea. I’ll call you back.”

“Keep me updated on the sponsor issue.”

“I will.” I hang up and open the door.

The woman on the other end is tall and sharp-looking. Her face is all cheekbones with watery blue eyes and a thin stretch of pink lips.

“Can I help you?”

She tsks at me. “Help me?” There’s a hint of an accent in her words. “You areclearlythe one who needs my help.”

“Excuse me?” I have no idea who this stranger is or why she’s coming at me with so much attitude.

The woman looks me over sharply, head to toe. Her scowl deepens as if she can see every shortcoming in a single glance.