“I really don’t want to…”
“Just sit down, Clarissa.”
“I just remembered I have an appointment…”
“Can we get this over with?” A little girl stands up. “Abe’s about to faint.”
The girl’s mother—a beautiful woman in oil-stained over-alls—slants the child a dark look. “Beth.”
“What? It’s true. Look at him.”
“Abe, are you okay?” Island asks a pale-looking kid.
Abe is sweating buckets. “Yup.”
A large man clears his throat. I recognize him as Island’s boyfriend. He has shoulders the size of boulders and legs the size of tree trunks. I heard Clay Bolton is ex-military. Which does not surprise me atall.
“You can sit here,” he says.
Bless you, sir.
I dart in his direction, relieved that there’s a sofa, a bunch of chairs, and about seven people between me and Cody.
Clay walks over to his brother. From the corner of my eye, I notice Cody glaring at him.
“Hello,” a pretty little girl who looks around six-years-old smiles at me. “I’m Regan.”
“I’m Clarissa.”
“You’re pretty.”
My heart melts. “So are you.”
She smiles, showing off a missing tooth.
“Alright.” Island smacks her hands together. “I’m going to press play.” Long white hair swings over her shoulder as she reaches for the remote and turns the television on.
A commercial starts playing.
It’s… about yogurt.
People lean forward like it’s the latest blockbuster.
I glance around in confusion. I have no idea why the city’s most influential have gathered here to watch a TV spot.
Are they filming a reality show or something?
I’m not judging. I’d watch the heck out of that show.
There are so many recognizable faces in this room.
Vanya Beckford, plus size supermodel.
Hadyn Mulliez, heir to the Mulliez empire.
And of course, Cody Bolton…
Mr. Bachelor of the Year.