Cody’s knocked to the side as Island makes a beeline for me.
My jaw drops. “What are you doing here?”
“I heard you were kidnapped,” she says. “And I wanted to help. All the farmhouse ladies came to join the search. Speaking of, I’ll send them a text so they know you’re safe.”
Clay looks me over. “Are you alright? The ambulance is outside if you need to get checked out.”
“I’m fine.” I notice Cody stepping away to answer a call and frown. “How did you find me?”
“Clay tapped your phone,” Island explains.
“I know.” Island slides her boyfriend a side eye. “We’ll talk about that later. But in this case, it was necessary.”
Winifred stopped the van halfway to the warehouse and chucked my phone. I thought it was overkill at the time. I had no idea the guys had atrackeron my phone.
“We wanted to get here sooner, but we lost your signal and there was a really bad accident on the freeway. Traffic was brutal,” Island adds.
I have so many questions, but the police enter the warehouse. They slap handcuffs on Winifred and a just rousing Slotter. The two men are carted through the door.
“Did you do that?” Clay points to Slotter’s busted face.
I nod.
He smiles at me for the first time. “Nice.”
“Ghastly people.” Island rubs my back. “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”
I tense, recalling Winifred’s evil villain speech. “Clay, I think Winifred is connected to Joel.”
“He is,” Clay says quietly.
“Where is Joel now? Is he okay?”
Clay stares at the ground.
Island shuffles.
Their sad expressions make me uneasy.
“W-what happened?” I whisper. “Is Joel… not… in the hospital anymore?”
“He’s in the hospital,” Island croaks.
My eyes dart between them. Why are they hesitating?
Island chews on her bottom lip. “Sweetheart, Joel is…”
“Awake!” Cody storms past his brother and sweeps me up in his arms. “He’s awake.”
“Was he sleeping?” I ask cluelessly.
“You could say that.” Cody grins at me. “And I have even better news.”
I slip my arms around his neck, so grateful to touch and feel him in this harrowing moment. “What?”