I close my eyes, regretting so much.
My last days with mom could have been more joyful.
I could have loved myself properly. I never really got the chance to.
And Cody…
I would have stayed and worked things out instead of running away. I would have barged into his world and taken over rather than cower.
“Goodbye, Miss Maura.”
A gun goes off.
I wait for the pain to tear through me, but it doesn’t.
Instead, my ears ring.
My feet remain on the floor.
I’m alive?
I hear Winifred’s body flop.
A door bangs open.
Clay walks in holding a gun still pointed at Winifred.
“Ugh.” Winifred is at my feet, groaning in pain, a bullet hole torn through the hand that was holding the gun on me.
A siren wails in the distance.
Cody rushes into the room followed by Doberman and his security team. I recognize my beefy neighbour. The man who called himself ‘John’ when he introduced himself to me in the hallway last week smiles sheepishly.
I knew he was security.
“Perimeter is clear,” Doberman says. “I think it was just these two.”
Cody’s eyes knife into my gut. I can’t stop looking at him.
“Are you okay?” he mouths.
I nod.
His lips curl up slightly. Watching him is like feeling the sun on my face after a hurricane. I drink in his broad shoulders, square jaw and those eyes full of love.
I’m more than enough and I don’t need you to tell me that.
I just need you in my world.
The realization settles on me and fills me with peace.
Cody moves toward me.
A world of ‘I love yous’ rush between us.
I start running to him, ready to throw myself into his arms.