Page 173 of The Re-Proposal

On the way, my phone rings and my gut suddenly twists with foreboding.

“Hello?” I answer.

“Is this Cody Bolton?” an unfamiliar voice says.


“We’re calling about your mother, Elizabeth Bolton. Her medical files have you as her next of kin.”

“Medical files?” I croak. “What do you mean? Is my mom in the hospital?”

“She’s been receiving treatments for a while now. Didn’t you know?”

My throat thickens to the point I can’t swallow.

“We advise you to get here as fast as you can, Mr. Bolton. Your mother’s fought valiantly, but she’s losing this battle. I’m afraid she doesn’t have much time left.”

My heart pounds and I quickly shoot Clarissa a text but, just as I press send, my phone dies.

“No, no. Come on.” I tap the device against the palm of my hand.

“You okay back there?” The taxi driver peers at me through the rear-view mirror.

My eyes slide to the airport rising in view and then swing back to my phone. I grit my teeth, my heart roaring in pain.

“Can you turn the car around? I’m not going to the airport anymore.”




Cody’s steps lag behind,and it feels like I’m dragging a stubborn mule to the slaughter. I glance over my shoulder, tugging on his hand. “You okay?”

He nods.

“You’re slowing down.”

“I’m going as fast as I can.”

“This is fast for you? One of your steps takes up half the building.”

His lips curl up. He can’t quite make it look like a smile.

“Joel will be okay. He’s a fighter. He’s not going to…” A lump of emotions hit my throat. “He’ll pull through.”

I’ve been telling myself that since the helicopter ride back to the city.

“He’s going to be fine,” I mutter.

Cody’s eyes are glued to my face. “Are you going to cry again?”


He hands me his handkerchief with a wry frown.

Tears swell and I hold them back with all my might. Pushing the handkerchief away, I sob, “There’s nothing to cry over.”