Page 123 of The Re-Proposal

Dejonae looks barely older than Laura. She has dark skin and big voluminous curls.

“Because it’s so addictive that they think it might be drugs,” Dejonae jokes. I notice her signing when she talks. “But it’s not. I swear.”

“Thanks.” I take a sip and sigh in delight.

“See?” Sunny wiggles her eyebrows. “Told you it’s good.”

“Let me taste it,” Cody says beside me.

I hand over the cup.

He takes a sip right where I put my lips. His eyes flutter closed and he inhales deeply.

“You okay?”

“I’m fine.”

Even as he speaks, his head lolls forward as if he’s falling asleep right there.

He’s bone-tired.

But it’s no shock.

He’s been up since he left my apartment last night, coordinating with Clay to find Hatchen and coming up with the plan to tail him. Not long ago, he was exchanging blows with my attacker. Now he’s working his butt off trying to install new windows.

When I was passing through the kitchen earlier, I saw Cody with his sleeves rolled up, gloves on and goggles perched on his nose as he did manual labor. He looked just as earnest as the construction crew with sweat rolling down his face and his eyes intense.

My heart melted at the sight.

This project is personal now. I could see it all over his face.

Cody’s head snaps up as if he realizes he’s falling asleep while standing. He lifts the chai and guzzles it.

“Save some for me,” I tease, reaching for the cup.

Cody holds it above his head. “Say no to drugs, Ris.”

I mock-frown. “You’re funny.”

“And you’re worried about me.” He lowers his voice. “But you don’t have to be. I can go all day like this.”

“Show off. You can have the rest.” I brush the dirt off his collar. “I’ll just kidnap Dejonae and force her to make more for me.”

“Don’t drag me into your little flirt-fest,” Dejonae says, still signing.

Yaya gestures, her eyes on me.

“How long have you two been dating?” Dejonae translates.

I sputter, “We’re not.”

“I’m working on it,” Cody says.

I smack him with the back of my hand.

He gives me a smile that makes my heart twitch. Finally, he drains the rest of my chai and squeezes my shoulder. “I need to get back. Nova had the window install for a one hour block, but we’re already running over.”

I nod and watch him walk away. His steps are determined and his shoulders broad, but I heard the exhaustion in his voice and I saw the dark shadows around his eyes. This is all starting to take its toll. I don’t know how much longer he can hold out.