Clay makes a sweeping motion. “We post security outside. Our team here,” he nods to the burly men at the back, “will install a few things to keep you safe.”
“What kind of things?” Laura asks, just finding her voice.
“A door buzz system. Alarms. Cameras.”
“It’s too much,” I interrupt.
Cody shakes his head. “It’s the bare minimum.”
“Cody,” I snap.
“How will you feel if someone breaks in and wipes this place clean?”
“I’m sure it won’t break the piggy bank,” I say through gritted teeth.
His eyes narrow. “I’m not in the habit of wasting time or money, Miss Maura. This may look like a donation, but I’m still running a business. I’m looking after my investments.”
I’m starting to understand why Cody travels around with a security team. If not for the scary-looking guard with the scar down his eye, I’d probably smack Cody in the face twice by now.
Almost choking from frustration, I whirl around and stomp to the hallway.
Cody’s answering footsteps makes my anger swell like a porcupine shooting out its quills.
“What?” I spin around. “What do you want now, Cody? Or should I call you,sir. Since you’ve shown that you practically own us and our co-op now.”
“That’s not what I said.”
“No, what you said was ‘I’m giving a donation’ and what you did was strong-arm us into doing exactly what you wanted because you have money and we don’t.”
I’m about to walk away when he captures my arm. His fingers are gentle on my wrist.
My whole body tingles.
I stand in place and suck in a huge breath, hoping he doesn’t realize that I fight my own silent battle every time he touches me. My eyes swing to his face, all hard angles and a short beard, which makes him even more delectable than normal.
“You expect me to do nothing after seeing you bruised and hurting yesterday?” His voice is like low, teasing thunder.
“Don’t pretend this is about me, Cody. This is a power move.” I force my hand away from him before I try to re-enact any part of this morning’s unfortunately sexy dream.
“I can’t help you if you don’t give me a name.” His voice is coaxing.
“It’s my battle. I’ll handle it on my own. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.”
I storm into my tiny office and slam the door shut. My heart pounds as I hurry to my purse.
Even when I was pissed at him, Cody’s touch had the same effect as it did during the dream this morning.
Good thing I brought an extra set of underwear.
* * *
Later that day,our clients arrive to put the finishing touches on their booth and attend a class from a local business owner. We’re learning about sales tax and refunds. It’s not the most exciting stuff and everyone is, understandably, yawning by the time it’s over.
“I’m going to check out my new stove again before I leave for the day,” Erica chirps, disappearing into the kitchen.
“Maggie, can I see you a moment?” I ask.