“That was so thrilling! Gran willneverbelieve me!”
He watches me with somewhat of a pleased expression, although it’s hard to tell. It’s not like he’s smiling. But he doesn’t seem as… severe.
“Can I try again?” I reach for the gun.
His phone buzzes and, once he checks it, his expression darkens. “Perhaps another time.”
My smile collapses into a pensive frown. I feel the shift in his energy. It’s like someone just flipped a switch and a different Clay appeared in front of me. Not the loving, growly over-protective father of two. Someone colder and more deadly.
Even when he held a gun on me, I felt safe. But now…
Clay looks harder than granite. Pure steel and shadows. This is the soldier. This is the man who’s willing to get blood on his hands and across his dog tags.
I’ve seen glimpses of this side of him before. Usually before he storms out to go somewhere mysterious, but this time, I feel it in full force.
“What’s going on?”
“Stay here.” Phone tight in his grip, he turns sharply.
I stumble after him. “Are you going somewhere?”
“Take me.”
“I’m supposed to stay with you all day, remember? That’s the agreement.”
“I’m not taking you into a…” He bites down and doesn’t finish.
“A what?”
He folds his arms over his chest and glares into the distance. “You’re not coming.”
“We had an agreement, Clay,” I hiss. “I don’t know about you, but I don’t go back on my promises. So wherever you’re going and whatever you’re doing, take me with you. I won’t take no for an answer.”
Clay shakes his head. Then he steps into me. His hand slides over my waist and he tugs me forward. Tension snaps through my body, branding me from the inside out.
He lowers his head to mine.
At first, I think he’s going to kiss me.
And I want him to.
So badly ithurts.
But instead, his mouth goes to my ear. “You come with me, you listen toeverythingI say. No questions. No arguments. Can you do that, sweetheart?”
I blink at the endearment and ease back.
It’s going to be a tall order, but if I plan on tagging along…
I nod.
“Let me hear you, Island.”
“Yes,” I murmur.