He chuckles.
Again, I feel that odd sensation.
I’m angry.
He’s annoying.
And yet it feels like we’re… flirting.
The sharp heat of the sun knifes my head and shoulders. Sweat runs down my neck and drips down my back. It’s too hot to be plastered to anyone, much less a man of his size and threat level.
But I don’t move.
He doesn’t either.
“You’re not letting go?” I hiss.
“I’m afraid of what you’ll do to me if I do.”
And I’m afraid of what I’ll do to you if we stay like this.
“I should have swung my bat when I had the chance.”
“There she is,” he murmurs.
I tilt my chin up and meet his gaze. “Excuse me?”
“The real Miss Hayes. The composed, overly cheerful woman who stepped out of that car wasn’t you.”
“How do you know who I am?” I challenge.
“It’s my job to know people.”
“It’s your job to dig out their secrets. It’s different.”
“No,” he says. “The secrets we keep hide who we really are.”
“Very profound for a man with the personality of a mammal roused out of hibernation.”
“Very honest for a woman who plays dumb so no one suspects how powerful she is.” His eyes drop to my lips again. “You’re very good at getting people to think you’re not a threat.”
His hold on my wrist tightens. A buttery, gooey warmth hits my stomach.
My thoughts start filling with nonsense. Things like—I bet he kisses as rough as he looksandhe’d probably smash me to pieces like a bottle of hair serum.
Holy crap.
Is it hot out here?
My ringtone—a chirpy bird-like trill—shatters the moment. I remember that I have a salon to run, franchises to manage, and a whole host of other tasks before I have to pick up Regan from school at noon.
I reach for my phone, realize it’s in my back pocket and instinctually arch my hips so I can get to it. My pelvis collides with Bolton’s. I knew his body was made of stone, but the friction nearly tears a gasp out of my throat.
Almost frightened, I back off immediately.
Bolton’s fingers curl into a fist near my head. He retreats just as abruptly and seems to be waking from some sort of stupor.
I don’t have time to think about his reaction to me. I take a couple steps to the side so I can answer the phone.