“I hope so. But it’s weird. How did he even know that you were the one who made the initial report? We keep that kind of information confidential.”
I remember what Nova told me. Clay Bolton’s the owner of a security company. He must be good at what he does.
“If you hear any more updates about his case, be sure to pass it along, ‘kay?” I say brightly.
“Sure, and Island?”
“What?” I chirp, putting the phone back to my ear.
“I know you don’t like to ask for things, but you can call anytime. We’re family. I mean, we will be… when Taz comes back.”
I glance at the picture frame on my desk. There’s another stabbing sensation in my gut. When I can breathe enough to form words, I answer, “Thanks, Rosie.”
The cell phone makes a clattering sound when it lands on the table. I turn the picture frame and stare at the image of me and Taz. The sun is kissing his olive-toned skin and wavy brown hair. His smile is broad and charming. I’m staring up at him like he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And he was.
Present tense.
Taz and I are meant to be together and everything between now and our perfect future is just a temporary block in the road.
I inhale deeply, gather myself and square my shoulders. When I return to the salon, Nova’s dark eyes are the first things that bore into me.
Pretending not to notice, I chat with the technicians, hype up the women with fresh styles and go through the motions with a permanent grin and a slew of words to cover my raw nerves.
Nova finishes with her trim and approaches the counter where I’m taking inventory and restocking the conditioners.
I straighten and offer her a wide smile. “Oh,girl. Look at you. Adam is going to keel over when he sees you later.”
My tone is overly vivacious, but the compliment is sincere. Nova’s curls are popping and spring out of her head in tight ringlets. It really softens her intense, girl-boss vibe and brings a more approachable edge to her high cheekbones and full lips.
“Thanks.” She studies me. “I wasn’t sure if I should mention this or not, but…”
My stomach clenches and I brace myself. “What?”
“I called Adam while I was getting my hair done. He asked around about Clay Bolton and United Bank.”
“And?” I can’t hide the desperation or the fear in the word.
“And he really did.”
My left eye twitches. I’m sure I look like a deranged clown with my forced grin slapped on top of my horrified expression.
“He did what?”
“Clay Bolton bought a bank. Your bank.”
A spring of doubt and panic clamors on top of me. “W-what do you mean?” I stammer. “How can a man just walk in and… and buy a bank? There are laws and other business things, I’m sure. That’s not…” I lick my lips again. “That’s not something people do.”
Nova’s sharp, intelligent eyes narrow. “Are you okay?”
“Me? I’m great. Justpeachy. Can you excuse me?” I lift a finger, walk around the counter and stroll out the door.
Then, when I’m out of sight, I take off like a rocket and hop into the first taxi I can find.
* * *
The security guardscan’t catch me when I barrel my way into Sidney Porter’s office thirty minutes later. The portly old man jerks to his feet, his face turning pale.