Not a single argument that could convince me otherwise.
She’s always been mine.
Island slides her hands against my short hair. Her mouth falls open and I move my tongue with hers, groaning and claiming her plump bottom lip.
I’m gone.
Somewhere in outer space.
“I love you so much,” I mutter against her mouth, eyes still closed to savor. “So much.”
“I love you too.”
Holy hell.
This woman makes me dizzy.
I pull away so I can think and realize she’s getting wet. Alarmed, I sweep the umbrella up from where it landed at her feet sometime during our kiss.
Lifting it over her head, I mutter, “Did you intentionally wait until the hearing to tell me how you felt?”
“I thought it would be more dramatic that way.” She smiles and rubs lipstick off my mouth. “You know how I love dramatics.”
I struggle for breath. “You could have put me out of my misery sooner.”
“And what would be the fun in that?”
I rest a hand on the small of her back and yank her closer. “I missed you. And so did the kids.”
“I know. I missed you all too. It was torture being away from you.”
Our eyes lock and hold.
Sincerity shines through her gaze.
Slowly, I push one of her braids back. The long plait has small, golden hoops sticking out of it. “Your hair looks nice.”
“You look nice.” She grins.
I smile like a fool and rock her back and forth. “So you and Genevieve had a deal?”
“Your mother-in-law tried to bribe me and when that didn’t work, she threatened to have you arrested.”
I stroke her cheek, loving the feel of her face beneath my hand. “That doesn’t surprise me at all.”
“Now that we’re letting the truth out…” She licks her lips and it takes everything in me not to consume her mouth again. “That night at the gala, all the things I said, I didn’t—that’s not who I think you are.”
“You had every right to think that. I did force you into working for me.”
“But you did it for Regan. You would do anything for her.” She rests her forehead against mine. “And I love that. I know how far you’d go for the people you love. That doesn’t scare me anymore.”
“Good.” Because I would do the same for her. I would destroy anyone who so much as made a tear glisten in her eye. I would burn the world to the ground if it meant seeing her smile.
“If you take ittoofar, I won’t be silent. Iwillfight you.” Her eyes flash up at me.
“I know. I want you to.”
She sighs happily. “But I can’t lie and say I hate the way you love me. You make me feel free. You make me feel precious and protected. I’ve never been loved like that before and I don’t think I’ll ever be loved like that again. That’s why I had to let you know, even if there was a chance that you’d really let me go.”