Miss Gen is here.
Anger lashing through me, I stomp back into the gala. The crowd is thicker. News of all the VIP guests in attendance must have drawn more attention to the party.
All eyes are on Darrel, Sunny and their friends.
But my eyes automatically lock on Island. The drummers have stopped beating and she’s darting up the stage with a woman in a silver dress.
Island taps the mike to get the room’s attention.
“Goodnight everyone. And thank you for coming.”
Light applause breaks out.
I see Cody motioning to me.
Steps heavy, I stalk over.
“Where were you?” he whispers and then his eyes drop down. A knowing smirk eases across his lips.
I check my clothes and realize there’s a lipstick stain on the lapel of my jacket. Island must have left it there when I pushed her against the wall.
“You couldn’t even wait until the end of the gala?”
Ignoring his teasing, I glance around. “Where’s Miss Gen?”
“I lost her.” He frowns. “But I’m sure I saw her earlier.”
I grunt and let my eyes bounce around the room.
Island’s voice fills my ears. “Before we begin our award ceremony, I’d like to highlight one of our key partners. The smart, beautiful and oh-so-talented leader of the Lighthouse Restoration Center, Miss Clarissa Maura.”
I hear a quiet expletive and the tinkle of glass smacking wood.
Stunned, I jerk around. Cody’s champagne flute is flat on the table and the contents are gushing out. He flicks away the stains on his jacket, but his eyes are locked on the Maura girl.
“You okay?” I ask.
“No. I mean yeah.” He shoots Maura another loaded look. “I’m gonna wash off.”
Confusion etches across my face.What the hell?
As Cody storms off, I finally spot Genevieve in the crowd. She’s standing at one of the tables in the back, a champagne glass nestled in her grip.
When our eyes connect, she lifts the glass and salutes me, a smug grin teasing her lips.
Immediately on the defensive, I clench my jaw and swivel around. Every molecule of my being wants to approach her, but I refuse to come off as too anxious. If I seek her out, she might feel as though she has the upper hand.
I brush my jacket down and try to tune into what Island is saying.
“I really treasure the partnership between our businesses and the women’s shelter.”
Island’s dress sparkles in the spotlight, immaculate except for that wrinkle that formed when I gripped her backside.
She continues, “This partnership is all thanks to Clarissa’s introductions. I truly believe—”
Her mike goes dead.
Island laughs awkwardly and tries to crack a joke, but whatever she says is swallowed up by the large room. Miss Maura gives her a baffled frown and they both start looking around helplessly.