She whirls around, her bonnet bouncing and her robe flying like a cape. I snatch her hand before she can storm off and tug her into my lap.
Island’s surprised grunt sharpens and then fades to nothing as I drape an arm over her hip to keep her in place. Her weight falls against me, soft and familiar.
“Let me go,” she snaps.
I nestle my chin against the curve of her neck instead. “Thank you.”
“‘Thank you?’” She chokes. A vein bulges in her neck. “Are you mocking me right now?”
“No.” I inhale her sweet fragrance. The slight brush of her bonnet against my cheek calms me. I trace a circle over her robe with my thumb. “I see how much you love Abe. And it means a lot to me.”
“Stop trying to change the subject.”
“I’m not.”
She squirms and the soft curve of her backside nestled against my hard thighs makes me hiss. “Settle down, Island. Unless you want to shed some layers.”
She goes still. Her voice is tight. “Why did you take down the pictures, Clay?”
“Because it’s time.”
“Abe is upset.”
“And I knew he would be,” I admit.
She blinks slowly, studying every muscle in my face.
“Maybe that’s why I didn’t tell him beforehand.” I surprise myself with my honesty. “Because having that conversation, seeing him upset, crying, and suffering, it would change my mind. It would keep me in the prison I was trying to escape. I would stay there for him.”
Her body finally melts against mine. Her hand rises to cup my cheek.
I nuzzle into her palm and kiss it.
“Then why not just give him the pictures?” Island asks softly. “Why make him guess a password?”
“Abe needs engagement. He needs to develop the attitude to go after what he wants.”
“He’s twelve.”
“He’s going to start noticing girls. He’s going to start dating. He’s going to be a father and a husband someday. It’s a mother’s job to nurture. I don’t have that skill. I can only be a father to him and teach him how to be a good man. I wouldn’t be doing my job right if I didn’t train him for that.”
“He came into my salon crying and devastated. Is that what you wanted?”
“Of course not.” I pause and press a kiss to her shoulder. My voice is a pleased rumble when I say, “But I do love the idea of him getting close to you.”
“Don’t try to charm me right now. You could have left the pictures in the living room. I only,” her voice drops and her fingers go slack on my neck, “I only got freaked out by the one in your bedroom.”
I adjust her hand and nibble across the delicate green veins in her wrist. I put the ointment on her knuckles and the strong scent of the medicine fills my nose. “I’m sorry about that night. I should have been more sensitive.”
She lets out a soft groan of frustration. “Don’t apologize. I’ll look like the villain.”
I chuckle. “You could never look like the villain.”
“Don’t tell my haters that.”
I smile against her neck. “About Abe, I heard you. Believe it or not, you’re not the first person to flag that I can be too hard on him. I’ll work on my delivery, but I won’t give up my responsibility to train him right. He’ll have to earn what’s in that safe. And when he does get the pictures, he can put them anywhere inside his and his little sister’s room. Not mine.”
“I know I asked for this. But I feel horrible.”