Page 159 of Fiery Romance

I ruffle his hair the way I’ve always wanted to and then cringe when I feel how dry it is.

“Abe, what kind of dye are you using on your hair?” I run my fingers through the strands. “It’s completely dried out your scalp. Isn’t it uncomfortable?”

“A little.” He scrunches his nose. “But I don’t want dad to think he was right. He never wanted me to dye my hair. If it wasn’t for nan, I wouldn’t ever have gotten to do it.”

“Sweetie, I’m not going to choose a side here, but you’re one of my people now. Youhaveto have a good hairstyle or I’ll never forgive myself.”

“I’m one of your people?” Abe asks, sounding surprised.

“Of course you’re one of my people.”

“Because of my dad?”

“No.” I squeeze his shoulders. “Because you’re so flipping amazing and smart and funny and talented and anyone would becrazynot to spend time with you.” I run my fingers through his damaged hair again. “What do you say, Abe? Can you do me a favor and let me do your hair?”

“Okay,” he agrees.

I ask my employees to bring in all my tools. Since Regan’s sleeping in the office, I don’t want to leave her alone.

As I do Abe’s hair, we run lines together and discuss the play. Regan wakes up while I’m washing the dye out and she joyfully shows her brother that she knows how to wash hair too.

Abe, being the sweet big brother that he is, plies her with compliments.

I stare at the two of them and my heart rearranges.

I think…

Oh no.

I think I love these kids like they’re my own.

Regan feels like my own little girl and Abe is so sweet and fragile. I just want to wrap him in my arms and never let anyone near him.

That’s not good.


Can I allow my heart to get more and more attached to them when their father…

The bell above the door jangles.

Heavy footsteps.

Rattle of dog tags.

I know just from the way my body becomes breathless.


He’s standing in the doorway and taking up all the air in the room.

“Daddy!” Regan shrieks in delight.

Abe looks at his father with yearning before quickly hiding the expression behind his edgy-kid facade.

I see it all. Feel it all.

And my heart shatters.