Page 149 of Fiery Romance

I want to see her more than I want Anya to visit me in my dreams.

I want to see her more than I want Genevieve to lay off my back.

I want to see her more than I want to punch that bastard boyfriend Taz.

“I’m okay with it,” I say softly. “But what about the kids? Abe especially will take it hard if I start putting away pictures of Anya.”

“How old is Abe?”


“Look at it this way. You have a son who’s almost a teenager. Whoever comes into your life will have to deal with a child who knows she’s not his mother. But worse, she’ll have to deal with a boyfriend who knows she’s not his wife. That’s a lot of hoops to jump through. What woman would be happy with that kind of life? Especially one as smart as Island.”

I mull it over, taking my time. I’m not quick with emotional decisions, but once I make up my mind, I’m locked in.

“How do I take down the pictures without starting a riot with Abe?” I wonder.

“Rather than tear it down, offer it to him as a gift. Make it a game. Turn it into a positive experience.”

I keep quiet, thinking, deliberating.

“This isn’t about Abe, Bolton. This is about you. Take the pictures down. One at a time if you have to. Wrap them up nicely. Store them safely. As you do that, you’ll find yourself healing. Every time you make a step, that’s a stitch in your cut.”

“Thanks.” I pause. “This is the most I’ve heard you talk in years.”

“I’m emotionally invested.”

“I didn’t know you cared, Darrel.”

“My wife wants Island to come back for Girl’s Night. If Island talks and the women start complaining about you, you’ll haveallthe guys showing up at your door. And they won’t be as understanding as I am.”

I laugh, having already sensed they were a tight-knit group. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

Darrel hangs up.

My eyes slide to Island again. She’s showing her client the finished look. A big grin spreads across her face.


With resolve, I turn off the monitor and whisper, “No matter what I have to do, I’m not giving up on us.”

I just hope that Island comes to that same conclusion before her boyfriend returns.




This iswhat catching feelings for a man in love with a ghost does. Sends you skittering to heaven only to drag you down to the depths of hell.

That night, Clay touched me in a way that no man has before.

Not even Taz.

His voice. His eyes. His hands—

Have mercy.Those wicked, wicked hands.