Page 128 of Fiery Romance

I remember the look on Clay’s face when I told him about this date. Given how powerful he is, I was half afraid that he’d use his tech genius to find out where I’d be dining tonight so he could buy the entire restaurant.

He’s rich enough and petty enough to do that.

But it looks like he’s staying out of it.

I quickly dot at the sweat beaded above my upper lip and climb out of the car.

A truck honks at me as I step on the sidewalk. A couple walks by. The man is staring at me while his girlfriend gives me the stink eye.

I ignore them both and waddle up the stairs. I can’t move my legs too wide because the dress is so tight. But if anyone can make the mermaid shuffle sexy, it’s me.

Head held high, I walk into the restaurant and take a big sniff.

Smell that?

That’s female empowerment and independence.

I will not allow any man to keep me in a corner. I choose to be happy and explore my options and have a damn good time if I so please.

“Byron?” I say softly, recognizing the guy from the online profile sitting at a table near the back.

He rises smoothly, going and going before he finally stops. His hair is dark and silky. He has a nice jawline and is wearing a really nice watch.

Okay, playa.

“Island?” He gives me a once-over.

I note that his gaze doesn’t linger too much on my chest, which is a point in his favor because I’m exposing most of it.

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you.”

He goes in for the hug and I offer a handshake.

We both pause a little awkwardly before switching greetings and meeting in another weird shuffle.

Finally, Byron extends an arm to me. “How about we play it safe and do a fist bump?”

And he’s funny in person too?

I smile and touch my knuckles to his.

To my surprise, Byron walks around the table, pulls my chair out and gestures for me to have a seat.

And he’s got good manners? Mm-mm-mm.

I should have tried this online dating thing a long time ago.

“You look even more beautiful in person than you do in your profile,” Byron says, his eyes glistening in the candlelight.

“You’re not so bad yourself.” I lean forward. I’m starting to relax.

He’s gorgeous and the energy’s right. I half-expected this date to be awful and for Byron to be a sleazeball who lives in his mom’s basement, but it’s not that bad. If first impressions are worth anything, then Byron’s already got a head-start.

“Your menu for tonight,” a waiter in a dapper black shirt and pants says.

“What’ll you have?” Byron asks me.

“I’m not sure. It all looks so good.”