Hot freaking damn.
At last—it’s what every molecule in my body is screaming.
I want more.
My tongue slides along her bottom lip and she opens her mouth. I tighten my grip on her waist, pulling her closer as my tongue rewards her for granting entrance. She moans, soft and breathy.
The sound wakes me up.
What the hell am I doing in Darrel Hastings’ yard with my kids in the car? I’ve lost my damn mind.
I jerk away from her.
She pulls her lips into her mouth, eyes wide and frightened.
I fix my expression into a hard line, reach down to pick up Regan’s toy and nod. “Goodnight, Island.”
Woodenly, I get in the car with my kids. If Abe saw us kissing, he doesn’t say a word about it. Regan is conked out in her car seat.
When I get home, Abe disappears into his room and I put Regan to bed. After, I pull out my phone and deliberate what I should say to Island.
Several options appear in front of me.
I could apologize.
I could lie and say it was a mistake.
I could be honest and tell her that I can’t be with her, but I can’t be without her either.
None of those appeal.
So instead I send her a simple text.
Starting Monday, I’ve got an interview with a potential nanny. Would you like to join me?
* * *
I don’t makeit a habit of kissing women and not explaining myself afterwards.
So when Monday rolls around and I meet Island at the park, I am fully prepared to go with the option I decided on over the weekend.
A sincere apology.
But before I can really get into it, Island waves a hand.
“I know what you’re going to say and you don’t need to worry about it.”
I open my mouth.
Before I can utter another word, my daughter spots us.
“Island!” Regan yelps joyfully.
Island’s face transforms with a bright smile as Regan abandons her perch on a wooden pony to fly over.
I step closer to Island, trying to keep her attention. “Look, I don’t usually—”