Page 113 of Fiery Romance

Did they all just come from filming a natural hair commercial?

Vanya puts Regan on the ground and the little girl hurries to me, clinging to my legs and glancing at everyone shyly.

“Isn’t she cute?” A tall woman with reddish-brown skin and long black hair bends her knees and gets down to Regan’s level. “Hi, baby.”

“She’s not usually this shy,” I say, rubbing Regan’s back. “Let her warm up and you won’t believe it’s the same kid.”

“Belle’s the same way.” Another woman walks into the foyer. She’s got a milk-coffee complexion and a head of big black curls that frizz however they wish. The volume alone is stunning.

On her hip is a little girl as pale as Amy with dark hair and a sweet smile.

“That’s Kenya,” Nova says, stepping forward from the crowd. “And that cutie is Belle, Kenya’s daughter.”

Aww.Belle is adorable.

Nova continues with her introductions. “This is Dawn, Sunny, Dejonae and you know Vanya…”

“I do,” I say in a faint voice.

More footsteps patter and I see two little girls trailing Kenya. The first has eyes that collapse into slits when she smiles. The other has tawny skin, hazel eyes, and a T-shirt that reads, “Put A Wrench In It’.

I see one gesture something to the other. They have a conversation that’s all hands and no talking.

They’re using sign language.

My head almost explodes. None of this feels real.

What kind of nineties, black sitcom have I stepped into? Everyone is super attractive, super nice and all socializing under the same roof.

Black ‘Friends’ Reboot anyone?

“Uh, Island, did you have more guests?” Vanya asks. She’s peering outside.

I glance over my shoulder and notice Mr. P and Mr. J in a black SUV.

“Shoot. I’d forgotten they were tailing me.”

“Someone’s tailing you?” Nova arches a brow.

Dawn, the one in the overalls, slips a long, shiny car tool out of her pocket. Her face is set in a grim expression. “Kenya, call the police. Sunny, grab the frying pans. I’ll take out their tires so they can’t drive off.”

“Whoa. Whoa. Wait.” I slip in front of the all-female mob. “Before you go allWakanda Forever, it’s okay.”

“So you’re not being tailed?” Dawn says.

“No, I am. But not really. Just… give me a second.” I take out my cell phone and call Clay.

He answers on the first ring. “Island.”

My heart leaps at the sound of his voice and I temporarily forgot what I was going to say.

I shake my head to clear the fuzziness and hiss, “Clay, I need you to call off your men.”


“Because…” I glance over my shoulder at where all the ladies are watching me. Lowering my voice, I whine, “Because you’re embarrassing me.”

His chuckle only makes me feel annoyed.