Page 95 of Fiery Romance

“And what did they say?” His eyes glisten in the light. All big and hopeful like that, they remind me so much of Anya that it hurts.

“They said you could.”

“Yes.” He pumps his fist.

“Island’s going to take you,” I add.

His arm goes rigid in the air. “What?”

“You have a problem with that?” I arch an eyebrow at his reaction. I still remember how Abe acted when he caught me on the phone with Island. And this morning, when Island was at the warehouse, he was rude to her too.

“Why can’t Nan take me?”

Probably because she’d let you jump into her car and drive far, far away.“Your grandmother is busy.”

“No she’s not. She says I can call her anytime. She says she wants me around.Unlike you.”

The last part is mumbled, but I have ears like a hawk. “What do you mean ‘unlike me’? What makes you think I don’t want you around?”

He pushes the bottle away and clamors to his feet. “I’m not thirsty anymore.”


The shadows swallow his scrawny frame as he walks away from me. I squeeze my eyes shut, tilt my head back and remember the therapist’s words.

Give him space, Clay.



Screw space.

Is he the adult or am I?

I move with determined footsteps and barge in front of my son. He gives me a terrified look when I grab his shoulder and I wonder exactly what he thinks I’m going to do to him that he’s looking at me with such fear.

I remove my hand and try to keep my expression light. “If there’s something we need to discuss, let’s do it now.”

“I don’t have anything to say.”

“Okay, fine. How about I ask the questions and you answer yes or no? Deal?”Hell, this is complicated.But I’m trying here.

Anything to pry this kid open.

“Did Island do or say anything to upset you?”

I can’t imagine that she would, but it’s clear that Abe doesn’t approve of her. And since my ability to resist the woman is getting less and less successful, keeping my distance isn’t looking like an option.

He glances away with a pinched expression.



“Okay. Then did I do something to make you think I don’t want you around?”

He huffs and shifts his weight from one foot to the next as if he’d rather someone peel his toenails off with a crow bar than be here right now.