I’m amazing at what I do.
And if I wanted to be a nanny, I would have become one.
Deep breaths, Island. Just put up with it until your deranged prison guard finds a new nanny to terrorize.
I retreat to the back room to do my admin tasks. Although I love braiding, it’s unrealistic to keep a full service schedule when I have so many tasks as owner of the brand.
Every franchise manager has complaints, needs, or a matter that demands my attention. To keep my salons up to the same standard, I pay close attention even when I’d rather toss their notes aside.
I’m flipping through the invoices for my newest branch when my grandmother returns my call.
Immediately, I slap my laptop closed and whine into the phone, “Gran.”
“Hello, baby.” My grandmother’s slightly scratchy voice fills my ears and reminds me of days frolicking in the woods, diving off cliffs, and stuffing my face with cuisine from the food truck nearest to our summer RV.
“What did you call five times for?” Gran asks.
“Why did you just get back to me? I almost committed a felony.” A fresh wave of annoyance rises when I think about Bolton. “By the way, do you have enough money to pay off my bank loans?”
Gran cackles. “Sweetie, you know your grandfather and I care more about experiences than dollar bills. Why do you need so much cash anyway?”
“No reason,” I murmur, sinking into my chair.
Gran is living her dream of traveling the world with Gramps. They’ve had this trip on their vision board for years and kept putting it off because of me and my brothers.
Even after I became an adult, they didn’t want to move away and stuck around to help with my growing internet fame.
This is their chance to live their dream. At their age, there’s no telling when the last day will be. If I admit something’s wrong, they’ll come flying back home and I refuse to have that.
“Are you sure?” Gran presses.
“It’s nothing I can’t handle.”
“So why did you call, baby?”
“I just,” I swallow hard, “wanted to hear your voice.”
“Aw. I miss you too. The only thing better than seeing these grand sunrises in person is if I could see them with you and your brothers.”
“Keep sending those pictures, Gran.” I pause and then tease, “But hold the camera back a little more, would you? I’m tired of getting a close up of your nostrils. Pretty as they may be.”
She cackles. “I’ll try my best. Oh, your grandfather is waving goodbye.”
“Bye, gramps.”
“Love you, Island. And although you haven’t shared what’s bothering you, I know you’ll figure it out. You’re a strong, smart girl.”
“What if I’m outsmarted this time, Gran?”
“Well… even if someone manages to back you off a cliff, you just find a way to take them with you. No way a child of mine goes down alone.”
My lips curl up. I feel better already. “I will. Promise.”
Just then, there’s a knock on my door.
My eyes widen when I see a woman in a business suit traipsing into my office.
“Miss Hayes.”