At that moment, I hear a disturbance outside. Footsteps thump and one of my technicians cries, “Who the hell are you?”
Amy and I exchange looks.
I shove to my feet, but I move too fast. The world spins like crazy and I set a hand on the desk to steady myself.
“Here, let me help you,” Amy says. She grips my arm and I lean on her, shuffling into the main salon as fast as I can.
When we arrive, I see a bunch of security guards. Mr. P and Mr. J are there too. Seeing them calms me down a bit.
My eyes slide to the man at the front of the pack. He’s bulky like Clay and has a grizzly beard and a buzz-cut. He’s wearing the clothes that Clay favors—baggy trousers and a fitted T-shirt. Something about the way he carries himself is intimidating. Is he former military too?
“Mr. Lincoln?” Amy gasps.
“Amy.” The man steps forward. I notice a slight limp to his gait. “Miss Hayes.”
“Amy, you know this guy?”
“He was my boss.”
Her boss?My heartbeat quickens.
Then he’s definitely connected to Clay.
“Sorry for the disturbance,” Lincoln says. His eyes slide over me as if he’s trying to figure me out.
“What are you all doing here?” My gaze jumps to the security guards who’ve become like family. “What’s going on?”
“Well, we’re not here for a trim.” Lincoln laughs.
My frown remains intact, and I keep staring at him, waiting for him to explain himself.
“Ahem.” He smoothes down his shirt and says, “I’m here to collect Regan’s things. And these men,” he gestures to the guards behind him, “insisted on saying their goodbyes.”
“Goodbyes. What goodbyes?” My eyelashes flutter. “And why do you need Regan’s things?”
“Amy, can you collect all the toys from the office?” Lincoln says instead of answering me.
“Who said you could?” I step between him and Amy. My voice climbs with vehemence, but I’m too sick to sound as angry as I need to. “Clay hasn’t said anything to me.”
“Mr. Bolton is incredibly busy, which is why he sent me in his place.”
The rejection stings. A part of me knew that Clay wouldn’t respond well to Taz’s proposal. It didn’t help that we’d fought right before that.
I thought I was prepared for the fallout.
I was wrong.
This hurts way more than expected.
“This letter is for you.” Lincoln hands me an envelope. Glancing up, he motions to Amy. “The toys, Amy. Please.”
Amy gives me a worried look.
I nod, giving in.
She darts off.
I crumple Clay’s letter. It burns my palm like a hot coal.