Page 183 of Fiery Romance

“No wonder you bought a bank,” Cody says under his breath.

I drag my attention away from the stunning woman who owns my heart and point a scowl at my brother. “Keep your eyes to yourself. Remember, I brought you here as backup.”

“Right. Right.” He bobs his head. Green eyes glitter with amusement. “I’m going undercover with Miss Gen. I got it.”

I slap him on the back. “And spend some money. It’s for a good cause.”

He rolls his eyes.

I stalk past the people in fancy dresses and tuxes, heading straight for Island. I can’t help it. She’s dragging sweet, innocent blood in the water and I’m the shark closing in for the kill.

Her eyes shift to mine as if she can feel me coming. Attraction flares in her gaze and her eyes do a slow sweep of my body before she can hide it. I’m glad she noticed. I subjected myself to the torturous noose called a tie for this event.

Despite Miss Gen’s taunting, I do have jackets that fit me. The suit is tailored—most of my formal wear tends to be.

Island looks away when I draw near, taking on the skin of a suave businesswoman. But there’s a tremble in her fingers and she slides her tongue across her bottom lip.

“Miss Hayes,” I say, my voice deeper than it needs to be.

Barely dipping her head at me, she speaks politely. “Mr. Bolton.”

“You look gorgeous.”

Gorgeous is an understatement. She looks like a whole damnfeast.I want to sip her like fine wine. Caress her like guitar strings. Admire her like a priceless painting. I want to burn every inch of her with my fingers and tongue.

Her eyelashes flutter. Her throat bobs as she swallows. “And you look nice as well. Thank you for taking the time to attend.”

I narrow my eyes at her formality. There’s an obvious distance between us. One I don’t quite understand.

Is she… angry with me?

I stare at her, trying to figure out where this strained tension came from.

Suddenly, Island looks beyond me and her eyes brighten. “Nova!”

She excuses herself and darts over to the well-dressed group that just walked in. Darrel is among them, holding his wife’s hand.

I nod at him.

He nods back.

“Oof.” Cody walks up to me. “That was pitiful, big brother. I guess she’s not the type that can be bought?”

“Shut up.” I scowl at him.

“Maybe you came on too strong,” Cody suggests.

I think back to our last conversation.

I love you, Island.You’re my first breath of fresh air in three years.

I wince. Was it too much?

We both turn to look in Island’s direction.

“Hey, isn’t that Max Stinton?” Clay juts his chin at the man who has an arm resting around his wife, Dawn’s, waist. Dawn Stinton is a woman of a small frame and a dark complexion. She runs the Stinton Auto Group and is said to be more talented with a wrench than most men.

“What’s your deal with Stinton anyway? You never told me,” I mutter.