Page 141 of Fiery Romance

The door opens.

Abe is at his desk, writing something and listening to music on his headphones.

He’s very much awake.

Which means leaving the door open was very much intentional.

Stunned, I ram my knuckles on the door to get his attention. He whirls around and flips his headphones off.

The first emotion that flares in his blue eyes isn’t anger that I invaded his space. It’s…

What is that?

Surprise? Welcome? Nerves?

My shock dials to another level when he smiles slightly. Did he leave the door open… wanting me to come in?

“Uh,” feeling self-conscious, I wipe my hands against my heavy pants, “just came to say goodnight, soldier.”

“Goodnight, dad.”

“And uh,” my eyes dart to the vintage theatre posters on his walls, “good job getting in character tonight. I genuinely believed you were a struggling dancer with nine cats.”

“Screenwriter, not dancer.”

“Right. That.”

“And really? I was convincing?” His eyes shine. He grips the back of his chair with a childish eagerness.

My heart rams against my ribs. “Yeah, really.”

“Thanks.” He dips his head, pleased.

“Don’t stay up too late, okay?”

“I know. I was just going to sleep.” He closes his book and crosses to the bed.

“I’ll get the light for you.”

“Thanks, dad.”

Feeling like the conversation’s done, I turn toward the door. Something deep inside makes me stop. My gut is telling me this is a prime opportunity and I shouldn’t waste it.

Abe’s eyebrows rise when I change directions and walk over to his bed. He watches me with a hint of apprehension. I can practically hear his thoughts.What’s dad doing?

Just like I did for Regan, I pull the blanket over him and then I bend down and press a kiss to his head.

It’s awkward as hell for the both of us, but it still feels like the right move.

“Proud of you, soldier.”

He squirms. “Uh, yeah. Thanks.”

With a sharp nod, I give his shoulder a manly pat and walk out, closing the door behind me.

In the dark hallway, I let out a pent up breath. I have no idea what prompted that sudden change in Abe’s behavior, but I’m glad for it.

And I’m glad I didn’t walk away from a chance to show my son that I love him.