I can’t hide it. Clay’s got my head in a chokehold and I’m willing to scour the ground for crumbs of what his feelings truly are.
“I don’t know. It’s like…” She licks her lips. “It’s like he’d die for you.” She scrunches her nose. “Or maybe kill for you. And that’s not romantic. It’s scary. He’s scary. The way he touches you, watches you, talks to you, it’s obsessive.”
You’re so wrong, Rosie.
The only thing Clay is obsessed with is protecting his children.
And maybe keeping the torch burning for his late wife.
He was even flipping through her photo albums late at night for crying out loud! Is that the act of a man who’s obsessed with me?
“You’ve always been intense, Island. But Mr. Bolton is on another level. What are you doing getting mixed up with him?”
My heart leaps to my throat. “I’m not ‘mixed up with him’. I’m helping him out until he finds another nanny to watch Regan.”
“Has he, I mean, like… have you two slept together?”
“Are you sure?”
“You’re way off, Rosie. There’s nothing between us but professional courtesy and a… tenuous truce for the sake of the kids.”
“I know what I saw.”
“You need to get your eyes checked.”
“My eyes are working just fine.”
“I can assure you that the only person Clay Bolton wants is his late wife. He has no interest in me beyond the care I provide for his daughter and the, uh,investmentshe’s made in my salons.”
Rosie eyes me warily. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, very sure. Besides, I have Taz.” My stomach feels hollow and I sling an arm over it to keep the nausea back. “Even if I didn’t, do you think I’d waste my time chasing some man who’s in love with his spouse?”
Keep lying to yourself, Island.
Rosie blinks rapidly. “I guess that makes sense.”
My shoulders relax. At least she bought it.
“I’m sorry if I’ve offended you. It’s just… you’re such a good girlfriend and everyone in the family really likes you. We don’t want anyone else to steal you away because people like you are so rare, you know? You’re wifey material.” Her hand lands on my back. “Taz went temporarily insane and most girls would have dumped him. But the way you’re waiting for him to come back, staying faithful, holding him down—that’sreal romance. That’s true love, you know?”
My stomach clenches and winds into knots.
Something’s wrong.
I don’t know if it’s what she said about Taz or…
The sun shifts in the sky and it sends a shaft of light over my bare ring finger.
I glance down, and I realize what it is that’s been bothering me. Rosie’s right. I’ve been a faithful girlfriend, sitting at home like a dog waiting for Taz to come back after sleeping around and being as ‘open’ as he wants.
I haven’t gone on any dates.
I haven’t talked to any other guys.