His head shook before I even finished speaking. “Nope. No. Not me. I don’t want to manage anything. I’d much rather work with my computers, please.”
“Then it’s a done deal,” I said as I clapped my hands together. Standing to my full height, I pulled him into a tight hug.
He sank into the hold, reminding me just how small he was. I needed to get down here to see him more. He deserved more than scraps of my attention.
“Ready to go back out there?” I asked after another minute or so of hugging.
“Yeah, I guess so. You’re just so snuggly. It’s hard to give it up. I’ll have to ask Brax for cuddles later.”
“Are you and Brax — ?” I raised my brows to insinuate what I didn’t want to vocalize.
He reared back. “Oh no! He’s my best friend. He also lives here, which is why cuddles are a thing. I’m not really his type.”
I left the question I wanted to ask in my mind. Brax wasn’t anyone for me to worry over. I definitely didn’t need to know anything about his preferences for partners. Especially not if Kendall wasn’t the person he was interested in.
We made our way back into the living room. I stopped short when I saw how enthusiastically Chance was playing video games with the others. There was shouting and name calling, all of which did not fit his normal image.
My brother bumped his hip against mine. “Looks like someone is fitting right in.”
I smiled. “He always does. It’s one of the many things I love about him.”
“Dibs on the flower guy position for your wedding. I will be the best rose thrower you’ve ever seen,” he declared.
A wedding wasn’t happening anytime soon, yet I could picture it so clearly. Chance and I surrounded by all our family and friends while someone helped us bind our lives together.
It sounded perfect.
“The position is yours.”
At my words, he did a little dance, which drew the attention of the room. Chance’s smile was bashful as he realized I’d seen him in his element. I shook my head as I grinned back at him.
Fuck, I loved him so much.
I was sweatingbullets watching the numbers on the screen. Of course, it would all come down to the final ballots.
“You’ve got this in the bag,” Orion said as he clapped me on the back. He quickly moved over to Arick’s side, crouching down to grab a giggling Sol. The trio was adorable to watch. It made me question if kids were on the horizon for my own life.
I had a feeling I made a better uncle and friend than a father. Mostly due to my work schedule, though my fierce independence also kept me from committing to too much.
Then again, if I didn’t win the election, I’d have the spare time.
“What are you thinking about so hard over here?” Tank’s arms wound over my hip.
We were having a watch party for the election in the NightShade offices. All his guys were here, along with Emmett and Marten. Kendall and his roommates were even on a video call to make sure they had the opportunity to congratulate me on the win. Never mind I haven’t actually won anything or that they don’t live here.
The idea was sweet enough to warm my heart, nonetheless.
“Guess I’m just thinking of the future,” I admitted.
“Ah, yes. The future. It’s looking bright from where I’m standing.”
“Is it now?”
Tank grinned as he spun me toward him. His dominance was a turn on, especially considering everyone around us could see it clear as day. I loved being in charge with him too, but I’d had my fill lately.