He watchedon the screen as they all fell for his plan. The man beside him laughed softly.
“Fucking idiots,” he whispered.
With a shake of his head, he motioned for the other man to remain still. They were too close to ending this. Too close to stopping the shadows that haunted them for years.
It was time to take down Bruno Conti once and for all.
But first, they had to secure the building.
“Ring the alarm,” he told the other man.
A sigh and then, “I don’t know if this’ll work. What if it wakes them up? And the fire department coming in?”
“They won’t because you’re not ringing the fire alarm you fucking imbecile!” His anger took hold of him, making him lash out against the one person he didn’t want to upset.
Much like himself, his brother had a temper. If the two of them fought, they’d never get to finish what they’d started. They’d never get the revenge they were owed.
“Don’t be mean to me. I gave up everything to help you. Everything to make sure you got what you wanted.”
His brother had done just that. Despite him hating Bruno as well, the true problem was his own. The ties he’d oncebuilt to the Gilded Ones were supposed to protect him and his brother. They were meant to make them stronger. To make them invincible and nearly invisible.
Yet they hadn’t.
While his brother had moved past his frustration with Bruno and the history there, he hadn’t. He remembered all the nights hearing the sadness as his brother questioned why his foster parents didn’t love him and why Bruno mattered so much more.
The fact that he couldn’t give a good enough answer at the time bothered him to the point of needing his own revenge.
And now they were going to get it. As soon as they evacuated the skeleton staff of the building, they’d be able to show Bruno just how karma worked.
My nose tickledas if I were about to sneeze. I wiggled it, then moved to scratch it only to stop short.
Except, I couldn’t move my arms. Like at all.
I searched through my memory to see if anything came to me. The last thing I recalled, we’d been eating dinner and chatting about life. Things were calm in a way they hadn’t been in a while despite the fact we hadn’t caught our targets.
But then…
That’s right, I’d fallen. And then Chance had. The whole team went down like we’d taken some kind of sleeping potion.
We’d been drugged.
How though? Was it in the food? We’d gone to the restaurant to grab it. Or rather, a few of the guys had. There wasn’t a chance for someone to get to it like there would have been for delivery.
Oh, shit.
It was clear to me what happened. That fucking water delivery guy.
I knew something had been off about him, though I couldn’t decide what. Ronan had noticed too. Which is why he’d followed him out.
There were seals on the water that should have prevented anything, however, a needle was small enough we wouldn’t have noticed. Especially if he’d done it before coming upstairs.