“Is that how all missions go?”I asked Archie after the comms were disconnected. The team was in the SUV heading back to the office already, which meant there wasn’t a need for constant communication. It also gave me the opportunity to ask questions without the others listening in.

Archie shrugged. “Yes and no. I haven’t been around for too terribly long, but things don’t always go to plan. This is an unfortunate surprise though.”

It really was.

Not just because the tunnels meant there was more going on than everyone thought, but also because Tank had taken two lives in the process. I wasn’t so naive as to think the man I loved had no blood on his hands.

Pretty much everyone in the room did. At least those who were employed by NightShade did in some manner. Maybe not Damari, Arick, or Archie, since they were more on the backend of things rather than going out into the field.

“Are you worried about Tank?” he asked.

“No, I’m not. He’ll be fine. I’m more concerned about the idea of having more questions than answers. We’re running in circles.”

Memphis chimed in. “No, we’re not. We’ve got a better idea of how he’s moving around.”

“And with my cousin and his guys on watch duty, we’ll be able to prevent him from using his system any further. He’ll be forced to show his face around the city.”

I nodded at Mindy’s observations. She was right. It was technically some sort of progress. Just not the kind we’d been hoping for.

“Delivery,” a voice called from the doorway.

We turned to see a man with a cart carrying two water jugs. He pointed to the dispenser on the side of the room.

Ronan scowled at him. “Who are you?”

The man ignored the look. “I’m Zip. Here to replace your water.”

“You’re not our usual guy,” Memphis added.

“I’m not. He’s got the flu or something. Whole family is down with it. Boss was mad since his route is so big. We had to split it between four of us. You guys want me to replace it for you or just leave it?”

“Replace it, please,” Jared said as he came around the corner. “Sorry, guys. I waved him down the hall because I was trying to distract someone. Figured it was ok. Didn’t mean to startle anyone.”

“You’re fine, Jared,” Ronan said, though his gaze remained on the man at the water station. He watched as everything was replaced, then he followed the guy out as he left.

I raised my brow at Archie. “You can’t say that’s normal.”

“Actually, it is. Ronan is always suspicious of new people.” Damari’s smile told me how much he enjoyed seeing his boyfriend get protective.

After Ronan made it back to the room, conversation turned to discussions about the tunnels and the possibilities of what allthey connected to. We’d have to wait for the others to get back with the map and photos they took to find out all the details.

Memphis hadn’t been able to find anything online to show they existed, which either meant they were never documented, or someone went through and scrubbed their existence from the records. There might be physical proof at the city offices; however, given the fire and how the building had been closed down to assess damage, we weren’t getting in there anytime soon.

Orion strode into the room with the map in hand as if it were a trophy. “Memphis!” he shouted, jutting the paper his way.

“Got it.” The other man took the page, then laid it out on the table for everyone to see. Arick handed him a large wand that he waved over it slowly, then he was back at his computer while the rest of us leaned over the desk having our own look at it.

Tank’s hand snaked up my spine. “How are you?”

“Fine,” I answered quickly. His raised brow told me he wasn’t impressed at the lie.

“The truth, please.”

I sighed, leaning further into him. “Ok, not fine, but not horrible either. I’m surprised to know this even exists under the city. I’m angry you didn’t get the revenge you wanted. And I’m worried about what comes next after this.”