And though it would be a fucking disaster to deal with later, I didn’t care. I wanted him on me. I wanted to keep a memory from this a while longer while we worked.

He closed in on me, his body only a breath away from me as he fucked his fist. My eyes were on his, watching the way he watched me so desperately.

I bit my lip, then whispered, “Give it to me.”

His cum fell against my skin in the next instant, hot and sticky as he found his release. I kept still as I promised I would. And when he was spent, his body emptied and sated, he rubbed the mess further into my skin.

I laughed at the neanderthal display. “You’re a mess,” I told him.

“Actually, you look to be the mess.” His teasing tone had us both breaking into laughter. I didn’t want the moment to end; however, I knew our time was up. I had no doubt the food had made it here even though I wasn’t sure how long we’d been in the bathroom.

Either way, we had to face the music. Life was more than rimming and orgasms.

Though… what a life you’d have if that was all it was. I definitely didn’t have enough of both in my life. Hopefully, I could rectify that problem once this shit was dealt with.



The guys were eatingwhen we got back to business. There were a few looks thrown my way, though they managed to keep their thoughts to themselves.

Granted, it was probably obvious what we’d been up to. Both of us were more relaxed and our hair was wet, indicating we’d showered. The guys weren’t stupid.

I dove into the burger they grabbed for me. Between not eating a lot recently and the activities in the shower, I was starving. Chance even gave me his fries when I finished everything I had before him.

“Thanks, babe,” I said with a mouthful of food.

He rolled his eyes playfully. The others laughed at our exchange as they finished their meals too.

It felt like a family meal in a way. We were all together, all safe in the office. And it was nice.

We had to do more of this after things were settled again. These men were my family in all the ways that mattered. Chance and I could be ourselves around them. No hidden motives or need to perform.

After we finished eating, Memphis went back to tracking Pratt while the rest of us reviewed the material for Stabler onelast time. Chance gave his input a few times, though he mostly watched as everything got laid out from start to finish.

By the time Stabler and his partner arrived, we were ready.

“Tank,” he said in greeting as he strode forward. I watched as he stumbled upon seeing the state I was in.

I raised a hand. “Long story. Good to see you again, Detective.”

“You too. And the team looks well.” He nodded to the room, his eyes snagging an extra-long second on Chance before he motioned to the woman beside him. “Everyone, this is Mindy Strong. She’s my temporary partner. We’ll need to catch her up to speed on things since I could only give her high points on the drive over.”

Mindy’s steely gaze took in the room and everyone in it. She had a calculated vibe to her. I wasn’t sure if it was because she was a damn good agent, or if there was more to the story we weren’t getting.

“Strong, this is Tank and his crew. I’d introduce you to them all, but I don’t know if it’s necessary.”

“Tank, Orion, Ronan, Takeshi, Cohen, and Memphis. I’m not sure who the others are though,” she said in response.

The men around the room shifted, a feeling of unease sweeping across us. How did she know the team already? And what did that mean for the case if we had to take an FBI agent hostage so she didn’t ruin things?

It was rare that women were involved in our worlds. Mordecai had been the first really fucked up one we’d had, and I’d outsourced her demise. I didn’t have the time or favors to call in more help this go around.

“Oh, and let’s not forget Chance Sheppard. Though you being here is surprising, Councilman,” she added.

“And how do you know all this?” Chance replied. “From what I understand, you’ve never met the team. I can say knowing whoI am makes sense given my family history and position, but their identities aren’t for public record.”

Stabler raised his hands. “Let’s all calm down. I’m sure Mindy has a good explanation.”