This definitely earned him even more points in his favor.
I nodded toward the door. “We can get Jared to check on Marten. Maybe even put a body at his door to give us updates on his condition, if you want.”
“That would be amazing. Thanks, Ronan.” Chance’s shoulders dropped a bit at the offer.
Tank cleared his throat. “As you were suggesting, we need to go see them. If nothing else, we need to make sure they don’t know anything I can’t remember. It could fill in the blanks, and they’re likely more inclined to talk if I’m there.”
The room broke into a flurry of arguments, each man talking over the other. I couldn’t make much sense of it all, though I could tell we were all against the idea of dragging him around when he still needed to heal.
Our boss raised his hand and whistled sharply. We quieted, waiting for what he had to say.
“I know I’m not in the best shape to do this, however, we don’t have much choice. The pair of them were never technologically advanced enough to be up-to-date on things so a video call won’t do. And since we need to evaluate their body language, we need to be there in person. Chance, Arick, Godric, Orion, and I will all go. Arick will have his computer to do any computer work we need. Godric will act at the muscle and look out. And Orion can gauge how much is true about what they share. Understood?”
While I could have fought him on this, I felt it best to nod along. There was a time and place for certain battles. The look ofdetermination in Tank’s gaze told me this was one I’d lose every time.
Whatever answers we needed, he was going to get them himself.
Chance was surprisedto find out the home I ran away from was only a couple of hours away from the city. I’m not sure if he thought I would be clear across the country or if maybe the idea that we’d always been close to one another before we ever met amazed him like it did me.
While I’d wanted to get farther away, things weren’t feasible for it back then. I went as far as I could hitchhike until the biggest city appeared. It was large enough to get lost in, which was exactly what I needed at the time.
“We’re almost there,” I told the group back at the office as Orion navigated the roads of my old hometown.
The area was modest, with idyllic homes scattered through the suburban area. It boasted a decent school system and welcomed tourists all year long with their various themed activities. Honestly, it could have been much worse. Try telling that to teenage me when I felt like my world was falling apart.
In my defense, I really was going through it. Losing my mother after having been on the run for so long destroyed me. It didn’t matter how good I’d had it. There was nothing that could replace what I’d lost.
We pulled into the drive of the familiar home a short while later. Once we parked the SUV, Arick, Godric, and Orion climbed out. Chance gripped my hand tightly from where he sat beside me. He didn’t need to say a word for me to know he had my back through all this.
When he’d come into the room earlier, I hated knowing he’d been upset because of my bullshit. The blowback had me ready to act out against Lune despite not having a clue where the bastard was.
Messing with me was fine.
Messing with Chance wasn’t.
“You ready to do this?” he asked me softly.
I looked from our joined hands to the front porch. It was the same as ever, though maybe a bit worn down. Time clearly had its way with the wood, what with the peeling paint and broken pieces. I hated seeing it, since my last memory of the space was when it was in its prime.
Then again, the minute I stepped off that porch all those years ago, I swore I wouldn’t be back. Look at me now.
“I’m ready,” I said after a bit. “Let’s get some answers.”
Chance nodded, then climbed out and motioned for me to follow. It was funny seeing the guys react to our dynamic. They’d never seen me submit to anyone else before. It was never something I did since I was the man in charge.
But with Chance, I’d do whatever he asked of me. Not just because I trusted him, but because he’d do the same for me. He had, actually. Many, many, MANY times.
I smirked as I thought of the last time I’d had the councilman bending to my will. He looked so pretty stuffed with my cock. I couldn’t wait to be cleared for activity. He was going to get spoiled rotten once I had the opportunity to fuck him how he deserved.
Could a good dicking be a reward? I liked to think so.
If that wasn’t enough, I’d take him to dinner too. Yeah, that worked. Food and dick. The two essentials of life.
“Get your head out of the gutter,” Chance whispered as we slowly climbed the steps to the porch.