The rest of the men gave nods to agree, then they dove into their plans. Memphis worked on clearing up the footage to get a make and model of the car. From there, he said he would check street cameras to find out where they went.
Ronan and the others discussed Lune and his whereabouts. They didn’t have anything concrete, though there were several places they thought he might be.
“We can’t go to all of them. Time is of the essence,” I pleaded when it seemed like we were going in circles.
Archie stood. He came around the table to be at my side. “I understand you’re scared right now. It’s normal to feel that way when someone you care for is in danger. But these guys are the best of the best. They’ve saved plenty of people in their day, and since this is one of their own, you can bet they’re going to do everything they can to get him.”
“Yeah, ok,” I replied, since I wasn’t sure what else I could tell them.
“Why don’t you and I go get something to eat? I don’t think you managed breakfast, did you?”
My stomach growled, answering him before I could. Still, I added in, “It’s on the floor of my bedroom right now. I dropped the tray when I realized things were a mess.”
The visual of the blood and my messed-up sheets came to mind. It was then I remembered I’d taken photos of it.
“Oh, shit. Here!” I handed the phone to Ronan. “Pictures of the room. You might want to see them. I can take you there too if you want.”
He opened the camera, cursing as he scrolled the images. I didn’t think to tell him how many there were, which is why his brows rose when he started to reach the more personal photos in the file.
“Um,” he said, and when I looked, I saw a photo of me and Tank a few years ago. “This is — shit, this is a really old picture, Councilman Sheppard.”
“Please, call me Chance. And yeah, it is old. What’s your point?”
He looked around the room at the other men who were clearly eavesdropping, though none had anything to add.
I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose. “If you all need to know, then I’ll give you the basics. I won’t elaborate past this, understood?”
And many more enthusiastic retorts chanted back to me.
“Tank and I have been together for years. More than any of you can imagine. I knew him back when NightShade was merely a dream. In fact, I was the first person he told about it. We’ve been secretly dating since then.”
Memphis whistled. “So he’s basically your husband, then?”
“This state doesn’t recognize common law,” I replied.
“Either way, I’d say it’s pretty fucking close. Can’t believe that asshole kept this from us. After all these years and secrets. Who knew he had it in him?”
Takeshi and Archie raised their hands. Ronan wobbled his palm as if to say it was possible, but he hadn’t considered it. Godric, Orion, and Cohen all appeared to be locked in a heated whisper battle rather than caring about the vote at all.
“Doesn’t matter what you all think. I told you the facts. Now let’s focus on getting him back. I’m not willing to let him go without a fight.”
The men stared me down as if to question whether or not I could protect myself. While I wasn’t proficient like they were, I could definitely put a bullet in a man if it meant getting Tank back.
I’d do anything for him.
I groanedas the hand around my bicep squeezed tighter. Whoever the fuck was trying to get my attention had it.
It took far too much energy to force my eyes open.
I immediately looked at my arm, ready to bitch out whoever was being overzealous, only to find that it wasn't a person.